Forum Replies Created
MemberIs there any option that allows me to have the image sizes displayed on the front end on the photo details page with the download link attached to that size so that the digital print version is available for a free download in that size?
There isn’t such a setting. The current functionality covers all bases in that the customer can always downsize a full-sized image.
If you want to only give your customers an image of a certain maximum size I recommend that you create a gallery where you upload the gallery images of that maximum size and that is what will be delivered via the free download feature to your customers.
MemberOk I see what you mean.
That currently isn’t possible. Also it is a bit complicated due to the way price-lists and galleries work.
All galleries have a price-list associated with them and within each price-list there can be multiple variations which have different prices.
Therefore it is tricky to add one price to the buttons in the gallery thumbnail display page.
MemberI’m not sure exactly what you mean. Are you referring to the table in the photo details page?
Can you please show us a photo or link which illustrates what you are asking?
MemberI will email you to take a closer look at your site.
Memberafter watermarking new added photos, photos aren’t included normally to gallery
Do you mean you cannot see the photos in backend inside the gallery settings page or do you do mean the front end or both?
Can you please provide a link to your gallery and tell me how many photos I should expect to see?
MemberWhich version of the plugin do you have?
MemberThere is a tweak I can do to sort by “natural” order which will sort strings containing numbers in an order a human would expect them to be.
I will make this tweak sometime this week and let you know.
January 11, 2016 at 12:29 am in reply to: Photo Seller – Copy Protect on but can open image in new window. #72082Peter
MemberOne thing you should be aware of is that there is no easy way disable right-click because there will always be a way around it.
This is why you should not rely on that type of feature to protect your photos.
The photo seller plugin already protects your original photos via the watermarking feature and the hidden security folders which have a randomly generated 10 digit name and which reside within each gallery’s folder.
January 9, 2016 at 11:34 pm in reply to: Template 7 on Gallery Showing list until I refresh the page, then shows correct. #72271Peter
MemberWe will investigate further to see if we can understand why this is happening.
January 9, 2016 at 4:20 am in reply to: WP Photo Seller not displaying images when clicking on the thumbnails #63377Peter
MemberHi neosyler,
Your server setup doesn’t have enough memory.
I can see the following error being produced by that page:
<b>Fatal error</b>: Allowed memory size of 67108864 bytes exhausted (tried to allocate 16824 bytes) in <b>/home/content/53/11732853/html/wp-content/plugins/wp-photo-seller/models/WPSCommon.php</b> on line <b>2650</b><br />
Even though you think you have 256M, the server is actually only allowing you around 67M of memory.
You will need to talk to your host provider and tell them that you need the php memory_limit value to be 256M.
(show them the error above to prove that you don’t have enough memory)
January 8, 2016 at 12:56 pm in reply to: Photo Seller – Order Summary Not Showing Year "2016" #72241Peter
MemberSeems like you have quite an old version of the plugin.
Please install the latest version which you can get from here:
MemberYour site seems to be redirecting me to other sites.
Have you been hacked?
I enabled debugging. If paypal testing is “yes” will that prevent any possible sales from processing?
Yes it will prevent “live” sales but will allows test/sandbox sales.
January 7, 2016 at 11:19 pm in reply to: When I add an image to a Gallery it does not show up #72236Peter
MemberI just tried a test by creating a new gallery on your site and all seemed to work smoothly.
None of the behaviour you mentioned occurred – ie, no lockups or 30 min delays etc.
Is there something I’m missing or not doing the same as you? Can you please give me some specific steps or photos you used so I can try them independently?
MemberIt shouldn’t do that at all.
I will send you an email to get login details.
MemberThe coupon feature does have something similar but it is not exactly what you are asking for.
The coupon feature has a condition which says:
“if total product quantity is (equal to)/(greater than)/(less than)”
For example if you choose:
“if total product quantity is greater than 10”
you can give a percentage or dollar discount based on this condition.
The only problem with the above is that if they choose 10 photos the above coupon will not be accepted and hence they will need to pay full price for the photos.