Forum Replies Created
Try de-activating your eStore plugin and then re-activating again.
If problem still persists please do the following things outlined in this link to see if you may have a theme or plugin conflict:
November 23, 2011 at 10:01 pm in reply to: Products not showing on page / using category shortcode #38777Peter
MemberHi T C,
My recommendation would be to get yourself another theme – something which is considered “premium” and less likely to have problems. Unfortunately there are a lot of themes out there which are not written very well and hence cause issues such as this.
Alternatively, you could spend some time trying to fix your current theme, but by the sounds of the number of errors that might be a headache.
November 23, 2011 at 11:24 am in reply to: Products not showing on page / using category shortcode #38775Peter
I know I might be asking the obvious but have you double-checked that your products which are supposed to be linked to categories 5 and 6 have actually been configured correctly? That is, in each of the products’ eStore configuration have you set the “Product Category” to the correct values.
(This can be found in the “Additional Products Details” section)
If all is fine after checking the above, can you please follow the instructions in this link to eliminate any possibility that there might be a theme or plugin conflict:
According to the error message it is saying that you may have incorrectly entered something in the “Digital Product Variation” field in your product’s configuration in eStore.
Please see the following for more info regarding how to use this field:
Pay particular attention to the example of what you can enter in this field:
If you do not need to do variation control for digital products then leave this field blank.
MemberHi Louis,
Firstly we don’t recommend messing with the plugin code in general – especially if you’re not comfortable with PHP. Also note that any independent customization which is done by individuals is not supported by us because it makes troubleshooting much more difficult – especially when we have to work with non-standard code.
However having said that, I encourage you to at least save backups of the original files if you are going to experiment with your own customizations.
Before I get to your questions firstly I have a question:
Why do you want to remove the Add to Cart button? How are people going to add the product to your cart? I don’t think removing the buttons is a good idea.
I thought you liked fancy 3 but simply wanted the description added to it.
Now regarding your code:
Firstly since you want fancy 3 PLUS product description you should be modifying the fancy 3 code and not fancy 5.
Also you have to keep in mind that modifications to your php code will also require modifications to the css file, especially if you are adding div tags.
So with reservations, below is an example modification to fancy 3 with the added product description.
Note this is my personal attempt at a suggestion and as mentioned previously this does not mean that we support this customization and as usual you should use it at your own risk.
This is the code in the shortcode_include.php file
function show_wp_eStore_fancy3($id,$button_type=1,$clear=true,$show_price=1,$restriction=”)
global $wpdb;
$products_table_name = WP_ESTORE_PRODUCTS_TABLE_NAME;
$ret_product = $wpdb->get_row(“SELECT * FROM $products_table_name WHERE id = ‘$id'”, OBJECT);
$output .= ‘<div class=”eStore-fancy-clear”></div>’;
$output .= ‘<div class=”eStore-fancy3″>’;
$output .= ‘<div class=”eStore-fancy3-thumb”>’;
$output .='<div class=”eStore-fancy3-footer”>’;
$output .='<div class=”eStore-fancy3-description”>’;
$output .= eStore_extra_get_fancy_thumb_code($ret_product);
$output .= ‘</div>’;
$output .= ‘product_url.'”><i>’.$ret_product->name.'</i>‘;
$output .= ‘<i>’.$ret_product->name.'</i>’;
$output .= ”;
$output .= html_entity_decode($ret_product->description, ENT_COMPAT,”UTF-8″);
$output .= ‘</div>’;
$output .= “”;
$output .= ‘<div class=”eStore_oldprice”>‘.ESTORE_OLD_PRICE.’: ‘.WP_ESTORE_CURRENCY_SYMBOL.$ret_product->old_price.'</div>’;
$output .= ‘<div class=”eStore-fancy3-price-tag”>‘.ESTORE_PRICE.’: ‘.print_digi_cart_payment_currency($ret_product->price, WP_ESTORE_CURRENCY_SYMBOL, “.”).’</div>’;
$output .= eStore_extra_show_button_based_on_condition($id,$ret_product,$button_type,$restriction);
$output .= ‘</div></div>’;
$output .= ‘<div class=”eStore-fancy-clear”></div>’;
return $output;
This what the css code in the file eStore_extra_shortcode_css.css should look like:
/*=== Fancy 3 css ===*/
.eStore-fancy3 {display:block; float:left; padding-right: 25px; padding-bottom:10px; width:150px;}
.eStore-fancy3-thumb img {height: 125px; width: 125px; border: 5px solid #ccc;}
.eStore-fancy3-thumb a img {border: 5px solid #ccc;}
.eStore-fancy3-thumb:hover img {border-color: #333;}
.eStore-fancy3-price-tag{font-size: 120%;color: #7A7A7A;}
November 21, 2011 at 9:07 am in reply to: Clickbank: "Secret key or source file information is not present in the request" #38556Peter
MemberIt’s in the settings menu.
This page should help:
MemberMy pleasure.
Regarding your root directory question:
For example if you had 2 add-on domains on your hosting account, say they were called
Then from your cpanel file manager, the root directories of each site would be:
Have you tried one of the other styles instead? Eg, Style 5 is similarly compact but also contains product description:
[wp_eStore_category_products_fancy id=1 style=5]
Just create a folder from your website’s root directory and call it whatever you like, eg, affiliates.
Then copy your edited index.php which contains your domain name into that folder.
Then if you want people to sign up to your affiliate program send them to:
Alternatively, an easier and neater option which doesn’t require you to do anything with the index.php file is to create your own page in wordpress called Affiliates.
Within this page add the following shortcode:
Then add this page to your site’s menu bar or add a link going to this page wherever you like.
When you say it “won’t validate” can you please provide what the error is?
Also can you please install the latest fresh version of eMember by following the instructions here:
November 21, 2011 at 2:21 am in reply to: User pricing for subscription or dynamic product creation #38701Peter
I can see your predicament
As far as I know eStore doesn’t allow just anybody to create their own products, ie, you would have to be an administrator of the wordpress account to add the product.
One suggestion I can make is that you can use a form where your clients can fill in their preferred subscription payment and product details which would then be sent to you.
Then you’d have to create the subscription products for them accordingly and then send them a link to the product page so they can pay. This way there isn’t a double checkout.
If I think of an alternative solution I’ll get back to you.
November 20, 2011 at 11:31 am in reply to: Change the Width of the audio-container [wp_eStore_fancy8 id=1] #33376Peter
I’ve spent a few minutes looking at your site with firebug and I think that your audio player has a width setting which is too large by default.
I can suggest the following workaround:
Add the following code into your eStore_extra_shortcode_css.css somewhere in the “Fancy 5 CSS” section:
.eStore-fancy5-description .audioplayer_container #audioplayer_1 {
width: 190px;
.eStore-fancy5-description .audioplayer_container #audioplayer_2 {
width: 190px;
The above should make both of your audio objects fit into the fancy display.
To get the additional link shortening functionality you’ll have to load a fresh build of the plugin.
See this link for instructions:
Can you please try installing a fresh update of your eMember plugin by following the instructions here:
If the problem persists please get back to us.
Your best option is to use the manual checkout option which will allow you to deliver your product for zero cost after the customer completes the submission form. If you check the “Redirect to Manual Checkout For Zero Amount Purchase” field from the payment gateway settings it will automatically direct the customer to the manual checkout if the price is zero.
See this thread for more related info: