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KeymasterYou can also wrap your login link inside a bit of custom code so it can dynamically say “login” or “logout” based on the member’s login status (so it will login when a visitor is not logged in, it will say logout when a member is logged in). This document has example codes that will explain more:
KeymasterSimply add the post to your favorites by clicking on the “Add this topic to your favorites” link(look below the title of this thread). You can set in your profile to receive an email when there is a response to your favorite post (it is enabled by default). If you click on the link below your signature/gravatar it will take you to your profile.
November 8, 2011 at 11:22 pm in reply to: Is it possible to set the default selection for variations? #38275admin
KeymasterNope, eStore doesn’t have that option unfortunately.
KeymasterThe following is not an email tag you can use in the registration complete email:
KeymasterIf you just want to change the text of the button then this post will help:
However, if you are looking to add the price amount to the “Buy Now” button text programmatically you will need to tweak the code.
Open the “eStore_misc_functions.php” file and search for the following line of code:
$button_type .= '<input type="submit" class="eStore_buy_now_button" value="'.WP_ESTORE_BUY_NOW.'" />';
Once you find it replace it with the following code:
$custom_text = 'Buy Now (£'.$ret_product->price.')';
$button_type .= '<input type="submit" class="eStore_buy_now_button" value="'.$custom_text.'" />';admin
KeymasterLet me know if you still see this after following the above instruction.
November 8, 2011 at 10:14 pm in reply to: Code for Banners/Links for use in Traffic Exchanges #38257admin
KeymasterYou don’t have to create a text or banner ad for your affiliate to be able to send referral traffic to your site. Creating a simple affiliate link is easy.. this documentation will help you:
When you affiliate logs into their affiliate portal it will also show a simple affiliate link that they can use (this type of simple links are handy to use on external sites like twitter).
KeymasterGo to the following section:
WP eMember settings -> Email Settings -> Registration complete email
Now remove the following line from this email body and save the settings:
Password: {password}
KeymasterIf you use eStore’s tax feature then it will apply tax to all checkout. If you want to use a separate tax for manual checkout then you can do a small custom tweak to apply a tax on the total amount (just a matter of multiplying the total with your tax rate). If you are a developer then then you should be able to do this tweak. Post a link to your product page so I can check it out. What version of eStore are you using?
KeymasterWP eStore doesn’t need any special theme to work (any properly coded theme will do). The popular free WordPress themes should be properly coded
Many premium themes out there also have good quality (for example: Thesis, Genesis, Elegant themes etc.)
The following article is a good read before you select a theme.
KeymasterThe plugin does not delay in sending the email. When the payment notification is received it will execute the post payment process tasks (including the sending of emails). When the email will arrive in your customer’s inbox depends on a lot of other factors. This post will explain more on this:
As far as the plugin is concerned everything is working fine.
KeymasterShare the content of the “subscription_handle_debug.log” debug file please.
KeymasterDon’t keep the coming soon plugin active if you are testing PayPal transactions because the coming soon plugin will block the payment notification coming from PayPal and nothing will happen.
November 7, 2011 at 11:51 pm in reply to: What is the Shortcodes to display “Add to Cart” + “Price” #38188admin
KeymasterI can do a custom shortcode for you to just show the price and the add to cart button. Please contact me using this contact form for a quote to get this done if you are interested (mention this post so I have some reference):
November 7, 2011 at 11:28 pm in reply to: Lightbox Ultimate – Cannot get protected S3 MP4 videos to play in any player #37891admin
Keymaster@Friction, We already told you exactly what is wrong on your site with your theme (check wpCommerce’s post). Unless you correct those issues, nobody is going to be able to help you. You have a POORLY coded theme so the first coarse of action should be to use a properly coded theme or chase the developer (who gave you the theme) and peruse him to correct his mistakes. Detailed explanation on this topic here: