Forum Replies Created
August 18, 2011 at 1:51 am in reply to: Google Analytics stopped tracking e-commerce transactions #35602
KeymasterI use “Google Analytics for WordPress plugin Version 4.1.3” and it works fine because I am using it myself. Also, the code to track the transaction is there too so I don’t see why it wouldn’t track the transaction. Are you sure this above transaction did not show up in your analytics account?
Are you using a caching plugin?
KeymasterAdded this option to the following shortcode:
[wp_eStore_fancy1_no_thumbnail id=1 type=3]
This lets you specify the button type (3 = subscription type buttons) in this shortcode.
Please get a new build of the extra shortcodes plugin from here to get this new option:
KeymasterPlease post a link to your member’s edit profile page with a test member account details so I can log in and check it out.
KeymasterWe are definitely not talking on the same wave length.
There are two fields…
1) Product Page URL – the url you enter in this field will be linked with the product title (this is explained in the help text of that field)
2) Product Description – this field can be used to add a description for your products. Whatever you enter in this field is shown in the fancy display as a description.
Field 1 and Field 2 have no relationship with each other.
You asked me how I added the “more info” link in my description on the Tips and Tricks HQ products page. I added it in the description section as plain HTML code (no shortcode). The description field can take HTML (this allows the user to do some customization in that field).
KeymasterThose two lines that you commented would not ruin the password recovery option for sure but that doesn’t prove that some other file is not messed up on your installation.
KeymasterWhich integration document did you follow? Please post a link to that documentation so I know what to expect. If its a plain PayPal button integration then which option are you using?
“paypal is not processing the del” – What do you mean by that?
Please also post a link to the page where you have the button.
KeymasterDo you want to use multiple gateway options or just one option ( AIM)?
If you want to use one gateway ( AIM) then make sure you have the “Use PayPal Payment Gateway” checkbox unchecked from the payment gateway settings menu of eStore.
If you want to use multiple gateways then make sure you have the “Use Multiple Payment Gateways” checkbox checked from the payment gateway settings menu of eStore.
Basically, if you are not using the use multiple gateway checkbox (meaning you want to use one gateway) then the plugin gives PayPal the preference.
KeymasterWhen a visitor lands on your landing page following an affiliate link a cookie is dropped which will remain regardless of which page the visitor goes to. As long as we are talking about the same site (the visitor can go to different pages within this site) then the commission will be tracked at the end.
August 18, 2011 at 12:56 am in reply to: Back button from Paypal page brings me to an error page. #35002admin
KeymasterDo you have the eStore extra shortcodes plugin active? That functionality comes from that plugin. This document has full details:
August 18, 2011 at 12:53 am in reply to: Email address validation on registration form needs to allow + symbol #35598admin
KeymasterThank you. We will take a look and update as necessary.
KeymasterThe eMember custom fields cannot be used on eStore as these two plugins are meant to be able to work independently. We have plans to revamp the manual checkout of eStore. In the meantime you can change the “Additional Comment” field (it is a text area) in the manual checkout and make that a billing address or vice versa. It is a text area so your customers will be able to enter the full address there and you will get that in the email.
You can customize that label using this method:
KeymasterWP eStore does not have any option to integrate with Customer Information Manager (CIM) of CIM needs to have a membership (some way to recognize the user when he/she returns) in place which eStore doesn’t do.
KeymasterYou left the “Price” field empty for those subscription products. When you use subscription products, the value of the “Price” field works as a string so you can use price explanation like the following:
$49.95 USD per month
The plugin Just shows whatever you enter in the “Price” field which allows the user to customize what you show as your price field (subscription prices are complex so having the ability to explain your price helps).
August 17, 2011 at 11:57 pm in reply to: New Paypal Account for Subscription payments and Registration Email #35572admin
KeymasterI haven’t checked this but I have heard that PayPal added a feature that enables you to use subscription (recurring payments) without the customer having to have a PayPal account. I am pretty sure this is an addon that you enable from your PayPal profile. Anyway, if you have this option enabled then when the customer lands on PayPal for a subscription payment PayPal shows the credit card option too.
The debug shows that the account signup went smoothly. The only thing that failed is the email. Do you have the “Use WordPress Mailing System” field checked in eStore’s settings menu? If you don’t have it checked then please check that option and try again.
KeymasterTo be honest with you I do not know of any plugin that can be used to embed excel spreadsheet in a WordPress post or page… never faced with this question before.