Forum Replies Created
MemberFirstly can you please tell me which shortcode you are entering to represent the Free Membership product? (I have a feeling you might be using the “Buy now” shortcode [wp_eStore_buy_now_fancy id])
Try deleting your current shortcode and enter the following one:
[wp_eStore_fancy1 id=2]
Furthermore, you appear to have entered a price of “.00”. Can you please change this to 0.00.
Also when I look at your button’s HTML/CSS code it appears that you haven’t entered the registration page URL in the “Button Redirect Target URL” field. Try entering the URL again and then please make sure that you click the “Save Product” button after you make your configuration changes.
MemberA common mistake is when people enter the wrong product ID in their shortcode.
Take a note of your Product ID for the “Free Membership” product and make sure you are entering that value in your eStore shortcode.
MemberOk now I understand.
What you have to do is ensure that you have filled in the “Button Redirect Target URL” in your eStore product configuration page. Make sure that this URL is the actual URL of your registration page.
MemberIt appears that you’ve used the “Join Now” button image as the buy now image in your eStore product configuration which is why you are being directed to the PayPal page.
I’m not sure I fully understand what you are trying to achieve. Can you please elaborate on the exact scenario?
If by “referral id” you mean affiliate id then you can achieve this by doing the following:
Go to your eStore Settings page and click on the “Addon Settings” link at the top of the settings page.
Then enable the “Allow Affiliate ID Entry” checkbox.
This will display a text box in your shopping cart which will be labeled as “Enter Affiliate ID”.
MemberThe code I mentioned will not work on the sidebar widget because the CSS class is different for that case.
I’ve just had a quick look on your site and you appear to have the following “eStore_compact_cart” class for the cart icon in the sidebar. You will have to enter the relevant code to cater for this too.
As mentioned previously, use FireBug to determine what you need to modify to get the behaviour you want.
Modifying the CSS to suit your needs is quite often a case of experimenting until you achieve the result which works for you.
Have you configured more than one photo for each of your products in the “Additional Product Images” section of your eStore products?
If so, have you double-checked what you entered for each photo’s URL?
The CSS code you entered will not work because your appear to have the code commented out in your wp_eStore_custom_style.css file. This is what you have currently:
* Place your custom CSS styles in this file.
* When upgrading the plugin just keep a backup copy of this file
* so you don’t lose the CSS changes you made during the upgrade.
.shopping_cart input:hover{
cursor: default;
Did you do this intentionally?
Try deleting the “/*” which is located just before the line beginning with “.shopping_cart….” and also delete the “*/” from the last line and then test your page again.
I’ve just tried clicking on one of your free files in your MP3’s and eBooks section called “Digital Talking Book” and it appears that your link is broken. I got the following error:
“The requested URL /kantaDlds/ was not found on this server.”
Could it be that you have moved some of your files and links around recently?
Regarding your digital content, please check your configuration settings and ensure that you have entered the correct URLs for your downloadable items.
Test these URLs by pasting them directly into a browser window.
The eStore plugin allows you to implement a few safeguards to prevent what you describe above.
For instance in the settings page of eStore there is a section called “Digital Product Delivery Settings”. Here you can specify a limit on the number of times a download link may be used before it expires. Or alternatively you can specify the time-period that a download link will stay active before it expires.
November 14, 2011 at 5:55 am in reply to: Can single price and recurring pmt products be handled in one checkout? #38444Peter
Processing a normal product together with a subscription product is not possible because the PayPal API used for subscription is different to the API used in normal product purchases.
You could create a single subscription product which might include your website design + website hosting under the same product. All you’d need to do is explain this in your product details page. Then if someone is interested they’d click the “Subscribe” button.
As an example, say you want to charge for hosting at the rate $5/month and let’s say your design cost is a one-off $200 payment.
Then all you’d have to do is configure the “Subscription/Recurring Payment Specific Settings” in your WP eStore product configuration as follows:
Trial Billing Amount = $200
Trial Billing Period = 1 month
Recurring Billing Amount = $5
Recurring Billing Cycle = 1 month
Recurring Billing Count = <leave this field empty for ongoing subscription until cancelled>
MemberI just tried a test and it works.
Any chance you can send a link to your page?
Regarding your request about the cursor hand pointer:
“Also, in any scenarios, if we hover the normal cart picture, you get the finger (saying ‘shopping cart’), but it doesn’t do anything if you click on it.”
You can play around with this using your own custom styles.
In the wp_eStore_custom_style.css file enter the following code:
.shopping_cart input:hover{
cursor: default;
The above should keep the mouse pointer as default and not produce a hand symbol.
Having said that this will affect your other images too such as the checkout with paypal button so you might have to experiment so that you maintain the appropriate behavior for the other images.
For instance if I wanted to make sure that the pointer turns into a hand for the paypal button i would also put the following in my custom file:
.shopping_cart .eStore_cart_checkout_button .eStore_paypal_checkout_button:hover{
border:1px solid #ddd;
cursor: pointer;
This can all be figured out using firebug. See this link for more:
MemberFollowing from the above try experimenting with the following suggestion.
Copy the following code from the wp_eStore_style.css file and paste it into the wp_eStore_custom_style.css file.
.eMember_button {
border-top: 1px solid #96D1F8;
background: #65A9D7;
background: -webkit-gradient(linear, left top, left bottom, from(#3E779D), to(#65A9D7));
background: -moz-linear-gradient(top, #3E779D, #65A9D7);
-webkit-border-radius: 3px;
-moz-border-radius: 3px;
border-radius: 3px;
-webkit-box-shadow: rgba(0,0,0,1) 0 1px 0;
-moz-box-shadow: rgba(0,0,0,1) 0 1px 0;
box-shadow: rgba(0,0,0,1) 0 1px 0;
text-shadow: rgba(0, 0, 0, .4) 0 1px 0;
color: white;
font-size: 14px;
font-family: Georgia, serif;
text-decoration: none;
vertical-align: middle;
cursor: pointer;
padding: 3px 30px 3px 30px !important;
margin: 5px 0px;
Then modify the color hex code values for the following lines to whatever color combinations you desire:
border-top: 1px solid #96D1F8;
background: #65A9D7;
background: -webkit-gradient(linear, left top, left bottom, from(#3E779D), to(#65A9D7));
background: -moz-linear-gradient(top, #3E779D, #65A9D7);
November 14, 2011 at 12:33 am in reply to: Checkout with PayPal hangs at 'redirected to the payment page' #38435Peter
MemberHave you tried re-installing a fresh copy of your eStore plugin just in case something got broken during your WP installation move?