Forum Replies Created
KeymasterAdded this in… make sure to enable the Google analytic feature and check the following option for the manual checkout if you want to use it.
– Send Product Download Links in the Email
KeymastereStore doesn’t use iframe so that won’t be an issue.
Please setup the PayPal PDT following this documentation and it should fix this issue that you are having:
WP eStore – Instant Digital Product Delivery on A Thank You Page
I just entered some test value in the following eStore settings field to trick the plugin into thinking that you are using PDT:
WP eStore Settings -> Payment Gateway Settings -> PayPal Settings -> PDT Identity Token
When you use PDT, it doesn’t clear the cart on checkout submission. For some reason, the cart clearing is messing IE up on your server but the above trick should fix that.
I tested it in IE and its working fine now.
Please check it out yourself and let me know how you go.
September 2, 2011 at 4:18 am in reply to: Buyer Email Body and Seller Email Body can't display Chinese properly. #35061admin
KeymasterSeptember 2, 2011 at 3:56 am in reply to: Buyer Email and Seller Email Body cannot show Chinese #35977admin
KeymasterLooks like PayPal is not sending the payment notification using UTF-8 for your account. so all those data coming from PayPal is loosing the language. Please fix this in your PayPal profile. Do the following:
– Log into your PayPal account
– Go to your profile
– Under the selling preferences column, select Language Encoding
– Make sure your website language is set to the correct language (Chinese traditional or simplified)
– Click the more options button
– Make sure encoding is set to UTF-8.
– Then save settings
KeymasterEverything looks good to me from the eStore side. Once you update the affiliate plugin it should work find. The latest build of eStore has a guard against duplicate notifications (whatever the reason maybe… it just ignores the duplicate notifications).
Remember to use a sale amount that actually will result in a valid commission amount so you can see the amount (5% of $0.1 is going to be 0). $1.00 might be a good amount to use for this test.
September 2, 2011 at 12:49 am in reply to: After deleting a member in WP eMember, I can still log in to the deleted account #36110admin
KeymasterThat’s not possible… if you have a cached plugin then you might be seeing a cached page. Are you using any caching plugin?
September 2, 2011 at 12:48 am in reply to: Lack of Registration Error Message upon username or email address already taken #35985admin
KeymasterThis issue is coming from some JavaScript Code you added in the Theme which is broken.
I confirmed this by doing the following test (the theme testing part only):
I see you are using the “Thesis” theme. I know that “Thesis” is a fantastic theme that works with all of our plugins, so the theme itself has nothing to do with it. It has to be some code you added when customizing it which is going bad.
Once you mess up the JavaScript on the page it affects other JavaScript too. Check all the JavaScript code that you added in the theme and identify the code that’s breaking.
Where did you add this bit of code from? Try removing this code:
<script type="text/javascript">
var st_type='wordpress3.1.2';
KeymasterDon’t worry about the sized window for now (its just cosmetic)… this is not the real issue. Lets find out why IE is not working as expected for your site with the checkout (you don’t seem to have any PHP Session Issue). I sent you an email to get site access so I can check this out.
KeymasterThere are functions in eMember that you can use for this. This document has examples:
September 2, 2011 at 12:29 am in reply to: "Not Found" Error Upon Checkout – tried everything specified here #35996admin
KeymasterI don’t really know exactly where its coming from but there is gotta be some restriction on this account or this server is not setup properly with the UNIX permissions. Not having correct UNIX permissions would be the most common cause of this.
It could also be another plugin blocking requests. Did you do this test?
September 2, 2011 at 12:25 am in reply to: WP eStore – Payment Verification Failed when receiving pymnts from other sources #36104admin
KeymasterLooks like you have the eStore’s IPN handler’s URL hardcoded in your PayPal profile as the default “Instant Notification URL”. So PayPal is sending a payment notification to eStore and eStore is going… this payment does not verify since it didn’t come from eStore.
Don’t turn off IPN in your account but you don’t have to use eStore’s IPN URL in the notification URL field (eStore will set that field at transaction time)
September 2, 2011 at 12:22 am in reply to: order won't go throuth with coupon – please help, going live today #36093admin
KeymasterHow much discount does the “iwanttopay199” coupon give?
KeymasterUpdate both plugins (its a good idea to just update them both)
KeymasterDepending on which type of button you are using (add to cart, buy now or subscription), it will be one of the following 3 functions. These functions can be found in the “eStore_misc_functions.php” file of the eStore plugin:
– get_button_code_for_element
– print_eStore_buy_now_button
– print_eStore_subscribe_button_form
September 1, 2011 at 11:42 pm in reply to: Thumbnails are showing on product management page inside #36060admin
KeymasterAdd to cart button needs to be accompanied by a shopping cart. You need to place a shopping cart (by using a shortcode) on the checkout page. The video tutorial on this page will show you how to do that (check the 2nd video):