Forum Replies Created
MemberIs there a list somewhere of what variables can be substituted into the “Product Specific Instructions” sent to a buyer? I’d like to create a custom URL using the buyer name and email address (and perhaps other bits of info like the transaction ID).
On the email settings (at the very bottom) it lists these:
{first_name} – First name of the user
{last_name} – Last name of the user
{product_link} – Download link of the product the squeeze form is giving.
I’m thinking something like this:
Thanks for your purchase. Click here for something extra special:{email}&buyer={first_name}%20{last_name}&TXid={txnId}&Perk=FreeLunch
Click below to let us know how you like this product:{email}&buyer={first_name}%20{last_name}&TXid={txnId}
Where email, and txnid all are from the purchase information.
March 15, 2014 at 2:21 am in reply to: Enhancement Request: Validate Emails entered on Squeeze forms #61243StarCircleAcademy
Memberwzp: Yes, I realized the DOS possibility… that why my first thought was to do it on the client side in javascript. But once I discovered it was a robot smacking my forms client side stuff didn’t make sense anymore (though it would solve the problem for a REAL person who mis-enters an email address).
For the squeeze forms, perhaps another validation might be useful: using client side javascript to insert a hidden field into the form submission. The server could then reject the form if the field isn’t present. A stronger implementation would randomize the field name on the server – could be as simple as using the current time in milliseconds. For example, a random HIDDEN field could be sent to the client named “XY_445562” where the number portion is random. The client javascript would then have to create a new hidden field that is differently but predictably named and copy some value into it (like the email address). For example the new field might be “XY_265544” (the digits are reversed). The server would then check that both fields exist when the post is received and reject a request that didn’t meet the test. If the test fails, the user could be presented with a CAPTCHA or similar.
March 12, 2014 at 6:40 pm in reply to: Enhancement Request: Validate Emails entered on Squeeze forms #61241StarCircleAcademy
MemberTo follow up on this, it appears one squeeze form has been the target of bots. I was originally thinking that implementing a client side domain check would help, but given that it’s bots, it would have to be server side so there are really only two solutions: remove the squeeze form or add a captcha. Since I find Captcha’s to be a distasteful nuisance, I’ve removed all of my squeeze forms and replaced my free items with $1 items and either an add-to-cart or a buy-now button. I also added text that says “Join my mailing list to get this for free”.
Here are just some of the items entered in one day:
And these are the IP addresses the bogus address are coming from: (Germany) (Germany) (Germany) (China) (Germany)
I might look into plugging in the “Are You A Human” tool instead or Confident Captcha. They are not as painful as CAPTCHA (or reCaptcha).
March 3, 2014 at 9:49 pm in reply to: Enhancement Request: Validate Emails entered on Squeeze forms #61239StarCircleAcademy
MemberHmmh. Why doesn’t the “Wish List” forum appear in the list of Forums? And where is the description of what has been requested? I see, for example “Black list email”.
I realize that checking the domain doesn’t verify accuracy, but an invalid domain will not be deliverable. My problem is not currently with robots… it’s people who mistype things, sometimes intentionally (to see if they can get a download), sometimes accidentally.
I’ll be glad to write the code to do the domain validation and submit it for your approval as I have done in the past. I imagine it would consist of a new Store setting: “Validate email -> On Client | On Server | On Client and Server”
MemberBlueBliss, you might also try another approach. Use Categories. For example you could have the following categories:
“Current Products”
Then use e.g.
[wp_eStore_category_products_fancy id=10 order=3]
Where id 10 is the category “Current Products” (here the order sorts alphabetically)
Then to remove this product from sale, you just remove the “Current Products” checkbox from the product Category.
By the way, one way I visually remind myself that a product is no longer offered for sale is by deleting it’s thumbnail.
February 24, 2014 at 8:03 pm in reply to: Populate multiple lists in MailChimp when someone purchase a product #61030StarCircleAcademy
MemberThe way I do this is as follows:
I have an autoresponder which fires whenever someone is added to any group in my list. This autoresponder sends an email welcoming them and asking them to update their email preferences – or unsubscribe completely if they wish.
I *would* like to have some clever logic to conditionally add customers to one or more lists based on the variations they may choose in the product. For example, if I have a “notify me about updates” or “do not notify me” option, I could add a user to the “Tell Me about Updates” group.
MemberJust found this when searching for a time-limited availability. I think this might also be a good solution to the “upgrade” or “update” path where you may want to send updates to customers who previously purchased the product.
One downside – and perhaps there is a workaround, I currently have a drop down variation where customers can say “notify me when there are updates”. I don’t see an easy way to conditionally add purchases to a specific group based on their purchase + variation.
February 10, 2014 at 11:58 pm in reply to: Mobile client (iPhone) compresses page when WP Estore Add to cart is present #60599StarCircleAcademy
MemberFinally got around to checking this. First I removed the <h> tag that tiny MCE had wrapped around the add-to-cart tag. That didn’t solve the problem so I created a test page [] with only the add to cart tag.
[wp_eStore_add_to_cart id=xx]
Where xx is the correct id.
It behaves *almost* the same way. Now the first page is about 2/3 rds of full width and the large Add to Cart button I grabbed from your free buttons is full width.
As for customizing the theme, no, don’t think I’ve done that other than creating a header at the recommended size.
I tried using the “Full Width No Sidebar” and the “Default” template and they behave the same way. Both of these templates *should be* identical to the TwentyTwelve theme which I’m using.
February 5, 2014 at 8:24 pm in reply to: Feature Request: Show product names and variations in "Manage Customer" #60669StarCircleAcademy
MemberHoorah. Thank you. (Where is the like button when you need it!)
MemberA few categories I’ve created that others might find useful:
You can show all the products you want to offer by putting them in “Catalog” and using, e.g.
[wp_eStore_category_products_fancy id=8 order=3]
Where “8” is the category ID for “Catalog”
Likewise, using “Discountable”, you can create a *coupon* that can ONLY be applied to items in category “Discountable”. This makes it easier to create a “store wide sale”.
Note that the negative versions of these don’t make sense, e.g. “Hide From View” has no way to be used as there is no option to “display all categories EXCEPT one”.
I found I don’t really need them.
MemberOne more thing to check: If your mail list contains punctuation or a hidden space it may not work.
The format for adding a user to a Mailchimp GROUP (and subgroup) is like this:
So if you have a list called “My Subscribers” with Groups “Good People”, “Bad People” and “Good People” has the item “REALLY Good People” the List Name would look like this:
My Subscribers|Good People|REALLY Good People
Do NOT use e.g. “:” or “|” or “,” in any of the fields.
January 31, 2014 at 9:41 pm in reply to: Mobile client (iPhone) compresses page when WP Estore Add to cart is present #60597StarCircleAcademy
MemberThe problem is visible on an iPhone in portrait mode, not an iPad. I had a friend check on his Android and it’s the same there, too. Portrait mode is half the width it should be.
Rotating to landscape mode seems to solve the problem on the android, you have to manually expand the view on the iPhone, though.
Here is a screen shot of the iPhone: []
If I select another page that doesn’t have the add to cart, or remove the add to cart from the page, by default the page loads with the full width of the display.
MemberI took a quick look and it appears the jquery for FancyBox is not completing, but then it appears you have “FancyBox”, “NextGen Gallery”, image-carousel, and wp-lightbox-ultimate plugins installed. You could also be having a problem with the Agency-Pro theme.
My suggestion is to try disabling all the plugins of this sort, view the page, and then re-enable a plugin and view the page. Do this one at a time to determine which one(s) are not getting along well together.
There is a javascript error (at least when I view in Chrome) in resize-header.js?ver=0.1 in the grhHeaderAutoHeight function.
December 10, 2013 at 2:20 pm in reply to: eStore – how to add variations to the product? like 5 and 6 variations and so on #56294StarCircleAcademy
MemberI don’t know what the application of the original number of variations was… that’s something the original poster requested.
BUT, I am trying to find a simple way to know how many customers of A product chose variation 1 vs variation 2, and trying to figure out easily *WHAT* was purchased.
E.g. in stats I’d like to know how many people opted to get the optional recording of my webinar vs those who didn’t.
In a similar vein, I’d like to be able to add people who purchase the optional recording to a separate autoresponder list.
December 10, 2013 at 2:16 pm in reply to: eStore – Variable product_ID and category_ID possible? #53675StarCircleAcademy
MemberSorry for not replying sooner. I agree a “date field” doesn’t make sense for generic products, but I was thinking more along the lines of a separate free format field that can be sorted. Could be, for example, “Artist” or “Author” or “T-Shirt Color” or any of a number of attributes that might make sense to sort for a given type of product. Sorting by date would then, hopefully, come for free.