Forum Replies Created
February 7, 2013 at 5:04 pm in reply to: Affiliate- If I set up 2 tier affiliate from one tier, will it override the old #53540
MemberCool, thank you.
September 2, 2011 at 4:50 am in reply to: Buyer Email and Seller Email Body cannot show Chinese #35978iamot
MemberThanks! By default,paypal use Big-5 to show Chinese, I have changed it to UTF-8, then everything works well.
September 1, 2011 at 7:13 am in reply to: Buyer Email and Seller Email Body cannot show Chinese #35976iamot
MemberI reply it.
August 31, 2011 at 5:16 am in reply to: Buyer Email and Seller Email Body cannot show Chinese #35974iamot
MemberYou help me on showing Chinese on thank you page and show product name in Chinese last time. But later, I found we forget to handle the original problems I had, Buyer Email Body and Seller Email Body can’t show Chinese. Or actually, I am not quite sure if this is because I upgrade the plugin, but after I upgrade these plugins, I do config these plugins per your instruction to show Chinese. Then I did final live test and found these two problems,others is OK, it seems to me we didn’t handle these issue last time,because I didn’t config to receive these emails last time.
I am sorry to not report these issue while you helped me.
If you want to access my site,the login info remain the same I give you last time.
Thanks for help.
August 11, 2011 at 1:10 pm in reply to: Can I assign two commision level to two product for one person? #34696iamot
MemberIs it possible that you can set higher membership have higher affiliate Commission Level? I think it is a good idea if you can give paid VIP member higher affiliate Commission Level like 75% to all products while just give free member lower affiliate Commission Level like 30%, then I think people will have more willingness to join your VIP membership.
I don’t see this feature in any shopping cart solution or affiliate software.
I know it can’t be done now, but I would like to see this feature in the future:P
August 4, 2011 at 8:29 am in reply to: Buyer Email Body and Seller Email Body can't display Chinese properly. #35059iamot
MemberIt didn’t display right,too.
Note: Seller email is sent by Hostmonster(my web hosting)
August 4, 2011 at 2:27 am in reply to: Buyer Email Body and Seller Email Body can't display Chinese properly. #35057iamot
MemberHere is what I get(didn’t display right):
Dear Eric Tung
Thank you for ordering� 感�訂購�
戴尼æ��:ç�¾ä»£å¿ƒé�ˆå�¥åº·ç§‘å¸ x 1 – NT1 (TWD)
Any items to be shipped will be processed as soon as possible, any items that can be downloaded can be downloaded using the encrypted links below.
PS: Because I recommend these plugins to several companies , some of them brought recently thru my link, I need to teach them how to settle this problem.
I know I can type English product name , then the problem will gone, but it’s better to show customer Chinese product name. Thanks again.
August 3, 2011 at 10:23 am in reply to: Buyer Email Body and Seller Email Body can't display Chinese properly. #35055iamot
MemberI use Yahoo email to read the email.
April 16, 2011 at 6:32 pm in reply to: PDF Stamper – Customer Not Receiving Email after PayPal payment #28058iamot
MemberI realize one thing, I put paypal button on non-Wordpress site(I know I shouldn’t)
. I am not sure if the problem came from this.I will test again.
Corrected my mistake… everything is working fine now.
MemberThis post helps me a lot!Thx.
April 16, 2011 at 1:58 am in reply to: PDF Stamper – Customer Not Receiving Email after PayPal payment #28057iamot
MemberI can manual stamping but it cannot show the Chinese(UTF-
,it can show English and numbers.This problem I have already posted here:
April 16, 2011 at 1:58 am in reply to: PDF Stamper – Customer Not Receiving Email after PayPal payment #28056iamot
MemberI can manual stamping but it cannot show the Chinese(UTF-
,it can show English and numbers. This problem I have already posted here:
April 16, 2011 at 1:49 am in reply to: Stamp pdf Manually by using Chinese (UTF-8) results in random code. #31375iamot
MemberOK。Thanks again.
太多時候 我們被動.
人際關係上 我們通常期待別人先開口 然後自己再回答
這一般叫做悶騷.通常我們也都是逼不得已才開口請陌生人或朋友幫忙.很少人會去主動幫助別人 即使他知道別人或朋友遇到了困難.當我們不滿時 總是習慣悶著不說 直到某一天才主動攻擊.愛情上 我們被灌輸男人要主動 女人要被動.這不知道害死了多少女人放棄了她喜歡的人.爭吵時 我們總是難以主動去平撫僵局 而產生了不必要的冷戰.沒有必要去主動認錯 因為事情不一定是你做錯的 但要去主動的平撫這場紛爭.事業上 很少人主動創業.在社區中或社團中 也很少人主動辦一些活動.
遇到朋友時 一些人會社交性地”主動”打招呼 但其實去不太想做 裝裝熱情而已.倒是在床上 男人常主動: ).遇到問題時 我們很少主動去解決 大多選擇逃避;做事情時 通常拖到最後一刻才主動去完成.這到底怎麼一回事?這是我想分享的重點.
主動即是主導;被動即是被影響.這些現象只是顯示了大多數的人在許多領域上都是被影響點.成為主導點吧! 正隆
如果你覺得我的文章不錯 請你也轉寄給你的好友
And the following is what I want to stamp:
作者授權給你觀看此作品。You are not allow to share this work to others.謝謝。
April 16, 2011 at 1:48 am in reply to: Stamp pdf Manually by using Chinese (UTF-8) results in random code. #31374iamot
MemberOK。Thanks again.
主動即主導2004.2.1 太多時候 我們被動.
人際關係上 我們通常期待別人先開口 然後自己再回答
這一般叫做悶騷.通常我們也都是逼不得已才開口請陌生人或朋友幫忙.很少人會去主動幫助別人 即使他知道別人或朋友遇到了困難.當我們不滿時 總是習慣悶著不說 直到某一天才主動攻擊.愛情上 我們被灌輸男人要主動 女人要被動.這不知道害死了多少女人放棄了她喜歡的人.爭吵時 我們總是難以主動去平撫僵局 而產生了不必要的冷戰.沒有必要去主動認錯 因為事情不一定是你做錯的 但要去主動的平撫這場紛爭.事業上 很少人主動創業.在社區中或社團中 也很少人主動辦一些活動.
遇到朋友時 一些人會社交性地”主動”打招呼 但其實去不太想做 裝裝熱情而已.倒是在床上 男人常主動: ).遇到問題時 我們很少主動去解決 大多選擇逃避;做事情時 通常拖到最後一刻才主動去完成.這到底怎麼一回事?這是我想分享的重點.
主動即是主導;被動即是被影響.這些現象只是顯示了大多數的人在許多領域上都是被影響點.成為主導點吧! 正隆
如果你覺得我的文章不錯 請你也轉寄給你的好友
And the following is what I want to stamp:
作者授權給你觀看此作品。You are not allow to share this work to others.謝謝。
April 15, 2011 at 5:25 pm in reply to: PDF Stamper – Customer Not Receiving Email after PayPal payment #28054iamot
MemberI also got the same problem, so I do what you say and I copy “ipn_handle_debug.log” file to the following:
[04/15/2011 5:19 PM] – SUCCESS :Paypal Class Initiated by
[04/15/2011 5:19 PM] – SUCCESS :Post string : mc_gross=1&protection_eligibility=Ineligible&payer_id=W3QW8CNV6XEE4&tax=0&payment_date=10%3A19%3A28+Apr+15%2C+2011+PDT&payment_status=Completed&charset=Big5&first_name=Eric&mc_fee=1¬ify_version=3.1&
[04/15/2011 5:19 PM] – SUCCESS :Connection to successfuly completed.
[04/15/2011 5:19 PM] – SUCCESS :IPN successfully verified.
[04/15/2011 5:19 PM] – SUCCESS :Stamping PDF file.
[04/15/2011 5:19 PM] – SUCCESS :Transaction Type: Buy Now/Subscribe
[04/15/2011 5:19 PM] – SUCCESS :Stamping the PDF file if PDF stamper is installed.
[04/15/2011 5:19 PM] – SUCCESS :Source File URL is:解開愛情之謎2011.pdf
[04/15/2011 5:19 PM] – FAILURE :An error occured while trying to stamp the file! Error details: Message: Cannot open ! Error Code: 1
[04/15/2011 5:19 PM] – FAILURE :Stamping of PDF file failed.
[04/15/2011 5:19 PM] – SUCCESS :Paypal class finished.
It show that cannot open,but I can open the pdf file on Firefox.