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Member**** For those who are facing WP 3.7 upgrade issue *****
wp 3.7 has updated some core functions that eMember depends on( we have updated eMember to address this compatibility issue and the update will be released shortly.
wp 3.7 added some architectural changes under the hood. so it is highly recommended to test various compatibility issues in a test/demo setup before rolling it into live site.
This issue is originally coming from a minor WordPress bug. I have raised a ticket and looks like WordPress will fix it soon too (They will fix it in WP 3.7.1):
In any case, our new eMember version should have you covered.
Memberwe should have an addon ready in about a week.
MemberBulk upload through phpmyadmin will not work for custom fields. because custom fields require additional processing to make it work correctly. we are planning to release an addon to handle this feature.
you can use the same technique for secondary membership level
June 5, 2013 at 2:45 am in reply to: How to read WP eMembership "Custom Fields Settings" and put them in a variable #55876nur
Memberhi, try using the following to show the City:
[wp_eMember_user_details user_info=”address_city”]
This should work.
Memberreplace that line with the following code:
return EMEMBER_BOOKMARK_NOT_LOGGED_IN. ' '.eMember_get_login_link_only_based_on_settings_condition();
March 20, 2013 at 1:36 am in reply to: How to make bookmark links open in same browser window #54542nur
MemberHi, Open eMember_bookmark_utils.php and search for the following block of code:
$return .= '<tr '. $c .' ><td>'.$counter.'</td><td width=350px><a target= "_blank"
Once you find it remove the
target= "_blank"
from that line and you should be good.nur
you can do that by editing eMember_bookmark_utils.php file.
look for “return EMEMBER_BOOKMARK_NOT_LOGGED_IN” in that file.
edit this line.
MemberThere is one more thing to do before you can use email as user name. for that, open eMember_registration_utils.php and search for the following line of code:
Once you find it, remove “alphanumericunderscore” from rules list. This should allow you to register using email in the username field.
Hope this helps.
January 8, 2013 at 12:54 pm in reply to: error SCRIPT5007: when trying to add a new membership level #52892nur
MemberWhich version of eMember are you using? Did you try loading a fresh copy of eMember?
January 5, 2013 at 8:39 pm in reply to: eMember – Couldn't create new member (manually adding a eMember) #52785nur
MemberHi, it looks like you are using window azure platform to host your site. its almost certain that the database isn’t allowing to insert data. I tried to publish a post and i couldn’t succeed there too. i can see two probable reasons for it.
1. for some reason db permissions were destroyed. so the db user in wordpress config doesn’t have enough privilege to insert data to database.
2. azure platform provides mysql database support through various 3rd party provider. I am not sure which one you are using. But one provider i know is cleardb. this company offer up to 20mb of free mysql database space. if this quota is used up then it automatically removes insert and update privilege.
MemberFirst thing to try is to load a fresh copy of the plugin
With that said, it looks like there is a javascript conflict in your site. this may happen when some plugins use javascript that do not follow wordpress suggested procedure. you can check this using firebug in firefox. turn on the firebug console and check if there is any message marked red. This post will explain more on this:
You could do the following test to find the source:
January 5, 2013 at 12:12 am in reply to: eMember – Couldn't create new member (manually adding a eMember) #52783nur
MemberHi Petri, Are you using eMember’s custom field feature on this site?
January 4, 2013 at 7:41 am in reply to: eMember – bug report for "Pages | Quick Edit" problem #52767nur
MemberHi MrCamaleo, You are right there was a minor issue with it and it has been taken care of. We will have this fix go into the next build.
December 28, 2012 at 6:38 am in reply to: eMember – customize emember registration form Last Name field optional #52602nur
Memberrelated html code is in eMember_registration_utils.php (line 173 to line 178). you can add text there.