Forum Replies Created
MemberHi, I’have checked with our latest codebase. French translation is working fine.
Membercurrently eMember allows you to redirect to a page of your choice if you click on the “content protected” message.
Anyway, thank you for your suggestion. If we see that this feature will improves usability, we’ll add it.
Memberyou can do this by editing css. to do that, open eMember_style.css file and find “eMember_protected_message_default”. you’ll see “background” has a color value. change that to whatever color u want.
October 18, 2012 at 4:50 pm in reply to: WP eMember: Bookmarks – Why Are They Appearing In Sidebar Widgets? #50350nur
looks like the new feature is something that you are looking for. its not gonna exclude all custom post types rather it will allow you to choose which post types you do not want bookmark feature on.
for example, you can disable bookmark feature on “ba_sh” custom post types while allowing bookmark feature on all other custom post types (and default post types also).
October 18, 2012 at 2:48 am in reply to: WP eMember: Bookmarks – Why Are They Appearing In Sidebar Widgets? #50347nur
MemberWe are working on adding functionality for disabling bookmark on certain post types. I guess this will solve your issue.
Memberyou should clear your browser cache. Your browser didn’t pick up the updated css.
MemberHi johnw1965,
This feature is added now. It should be available when the next build is updated.
MemberHi johnw1965,
Thanks. looks like a good idea in terms of usability. We’ll consider this.
MemberHi Stephendavis,
in members->Member Lists, option 3 allows you to download all member info in CSV format.
October 13, 2012 at 3:53 am in reply to: eMember – Is is possible to bulk send the confirmation links to those who forgot #50318nur
we currently don’t have anything like this but it looks like a good feature to add.
Hope to add this in the next release.
October 13, 2012 at 3:10 am in reply to: How to code to check if member has multiple membership levels #50315nur
MemberHi sarnorealroi, you can do that using “getUserInfo” method of Emember_Auth class in the following way:
Code:$emember_auth = Emember_Auth::getInstance();
// to get primary membership level name
// return type is string
$primary_level = $emember_auth->getUserInfo(‘user_membership_level_name’);// to get a list of additional membership levels (secondary levels)
// return type is an array of string
$secondary_levels = $emember_auth->getUserInfo(‘user_additional_membership_level_names’);nur
MemberHi, I would recommend you to load a fresh copy of the plugin first:
October 3, 2012 at 7:50 pm in reply to: eMember – not protecting Meta Box data for Custom Post Type #49929nur
Memberwhen you are outputting metabox content, Can you do someting like this:
Code:apply_filters(‘the_content’, get_post_meta($post->ID, ‘meta_box_name’, true));replace ‘meta_box_name’ as u need. let me know the result.
October 3, 2012 at 2:50 am in reply to: eMember – not protecting Meta Box data for Custom Post Type #49927nur
MemberLets try and change the filtering priority to see how that goes. Can you open the wp_eMember1.php file and go to line number 288 which looks like :
Code:add_filter(‘the_content’,’secure_content’, 11);replace it with:
Code:add_filter(‘the_content’,’secure_content’, 1000);let me know the result.
October 2, 2012 at 4:06 am in reply to: eMember – not protecting Meta Box data for Custom Post Type #49925nur
i am assuming you are using another plugin to generate metabox contents.
Wordpress has a filter called “the_content” and expected behavior is that all post/page contents pass through it.
eMember only takes care of contents that go through “the_content” filter.
If the other plugin you are using, doesn’t invoke “the_content”, eMember cannot protect it.