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great tool
I have some questions / feature requests:
A) Is there a way to display a unique receipt id in the receipt too?
In my country proper receipts need to display a unique receipt id which has a counter like enumeration as part of the id (no gaps allowed because of tax law)
So basically receipt id’s should be counted upwards and perhaps have additional identifier like calendar year and perhaps an offset.
So a valid receipt id would be build like this “calendar year-offset+receipt-nr”.
Example: Receipt-Nr. 2012-1023
where calendar year = 2012, offset = 1000, actual receipt-nr = 23)
Next valid receipt-nrs would then be: 2012-1024, 2012-1025, 2012-1026 etc.
Would it be possible to have the receipt creator build the receipt-nr. like this and then display it in the receipt too? Perhaps above or instead transaction id?
C) I also would need the receipt to display the net, the tax and the total amount.
It looks like only the total will be displayed?
D) Is there a way to test the rceipts looks / info with a sort of dummy receipt?
Uhm, this were a lot of questions. But I’m exited to make this tool work according to my needs. Hope you can help
i’m not sure if i understand right.
Are the files in tcpdfconfiglang just dummies?
If i find one for my lang there, would i still need to manually translate create-receipt-pdf.php ?
MemberAny info on the planned “licensing manager” component mentioned earlier in this thread?
MemberI know all good things come to those who wait ….
Still i wonder if there might be any updates on the issue?
Is there perhaps a special mailing list people interested in your licensing solution could subscribe to, to keep updated?
December 3, 2011 at 9:12 pm in reply to: How to go about Interspire Email Marketer Integration #25036mikru2010
MemberOk, i was able to figure out how to get the customer name transmitted to my list.
Hope this helps others with integrating Interspire Emailmarketer too.
Here is the part from the api for the name, and how i filled it:
<value>’.$firstname.’ ‘.$lastname.'</value>
As fieldid, you simply set the id of the custom field you use for the customer name on your list in Emailmarketer.
Here’s how to go about it:
Step 1: create a custom field in Emailmarketer (or decide which existing one to use) for representing the customer name on your list.
Step 2: create a sign-up form for your list and add the customfield from Step 1
Step 3: Get html for your list and identify the field id for your custom field. Look for CustomFields[xx] – where xx represents the number of your custom field
Step 4: insert your custom field id (number xx) into api code as shown above
Step 5: set estore variables as “<value>”; for instance
<value>’.$firstname.’ ‘.$lastname.'</value>
if you want to use first – and lastname like me.
Perhaps ‘.$CustomerName.’ will work too (haven’t tested that)
One last hint:
I simply inserted the (complete) api code after line 277
$retrieved_product = WP_eStore_Db_Access::find(WP_ESTORE_DB_PRODUCTS_TABLE_NAME, $cond);
in the auto_responder_handler php
and left the rest of the code unchanged.
That worked like a charm
But i don’t know though if there might be a better place to insert the code.
Good luck with your Interspire integration
November 25, 2011 at 5:13 pm in reply to: How to go about Interspire Email Marketer Integration #25034mikru2010
MemberIt would also help to know where exactly to place the code in the fuctions you named.
November 25, 2011 at 5:10 pm in reply to: How to go about Interspire Email Marketer Integration #25033mikru2010
MemberJust let me know what i should put in to the api to get the name transmitted by it, as email is getting transmitted fine.
Obviously your previous suggestion (s. earlier in this thread) isn’t transmitting the customer name:
<value>’.$firstname.’ ‘.$lastname.'</value>
So what input for “fieldid” and “Value” would you suggest?
Could it be that it’s not working because your plugin just has a “name” field for the free product squeeze and does not differentiate between first- and lastname?
November 20, 2011 at 12:15 pm in reply to: How to go about Interspire Email Marketer Integration #25031mikru2010
MemberI also noticed an attempt by estore to send several emails trying to sign-up my subscriber to aweber – which is odd, as i don’t use aweber and just try to figure out integrating my own autoresponder script (Email-Marketer)
“This is an automatic email that is sent to AWeber for member signup purpose”
Estore also seems to split the listname up into severla lists / emails.
For instance my list in Email-Marketer is named like this:
Word1 Word2 Word3-Word4 Word5.
Estore seems to treat each of these words (and even the “-” as separate lists and sends / tries to send subscriber mail to lists Word1, Word2, Word3, Word4, Word5 and even to the “-” between Word3 and Word4.
And the emails aren’t adressed to aweber, but to my own server like “> etc.
Is this perhaps caused by storing a listname in the Autoresponder Settings of the product?
November 20, 2011 at 9:50 am in reply to: How to go about Interspire Email Marketer Integration #25030mikru2010
MemberI was able to add a subscriber via the XML Api to a prodiuct specific contact list.
But no matter what i try only the E-Mail shows up in the contact list, not the name.
(Still the customer name and email are added to estore properly)
Thus i need advice / sample how to fill <customfiels> with customer name for free product.
Here is the excerpt from API and previous instruction how to use it with estore:
<value>’.$firstname.’ ‘.$lastname.'</value>
However, the above code does not put customer name on the list.
I also tried combinations of
<fieldid>REAL NAME of field used in Interspire contact list</fieldid>
<value>’.$firstname.’ ‘.$lastname.'</value>
But no combination puts the name on the contact list in Email-Marketer – all i get is the email.
November 20, 2011 at 8:41 am in reply to: Can My Autoresponder/Email Marketing Manager be Integrated with Your Plugins? #19557mikru2010
MemberCan you give sample code how it’s done?
Where in the code and how exactly to add 3rd party xml api code to
1. eStore_item_specific_autoresponder_signup
2. eStore_global_autoresponder_signup
Where to place the api code?
What to wrap around it?
Can i just insert it or do i have to use a sort of “if” etc?
MemberAlso there seems to be an error in the code handed over to stamper.
In stamper i set footer text to the variables
{customer_name} | {customer_email}
But the result in the stamped file is
Name | Name
instead of
Name | E-Mail
MemberIs there a way to have the squeeze page ask for First name and Last name instead of just Name?
And where / how to edit the body copy of the email send?
MemberIn reply to my previous post:
After setting the permissions on the stamped-files folder to 777, the errors are gone
MemberToday i realized that the stamper isn’t working properly anymore.
As it has worked previously, i guess my hoster has changed something (i’m on a vps).
Here’s what happened so far.
1. i tried to stamp a free pdf download via estore.
I got a file not found error
a) when clicking the download link in the email send in case of using squeeze page
b) when using download button
Path etc. was all set up correct
2. i tried manual stamp but got “Cannot copy file” error.
3. Next I uploaded file into stamper source files directory, changed past accordingly for manual stamp, but still got “Cannot copy file” error.
4. i updated the stamper plugin, but still got “Cannot copy file” error:
WP PDF Stamper – Manual Stamping
Error! SetaPDF_Error Object ( [message] => Cannot copy file /var/www/vhosts/ to /var/www/vhosts/ => 14 )
(Note: I replaced my domain and filename with yyyyy for privacy reasons)
5. i also tried
but still got “Cannot copy file” error.
Could this be some kind of permission error?
[code] => 14 )
(Note: I replaced my domain and filename with yyyyy for privacy reasons)
5. i also tried
but still got “Cannot copy file” error.
Could this be some kind of permission error?
MemberI’m looking for a tool that will license and protect for instance wordpress plugins and / or themes or other software from unauthorized / non-licensed use.
Sounds like your license manager plugin would be a good fit.
Do you still plan to release / sell your license manager plugin?
Can you give an estimation when it will be ready / released?