Forum Replies Created
July 29, 2014 at 6:02 am in reply to: Getting one time registrations to work with S2member proforms #64505
MemberOK, here is the response from support:
“The user_register hook in WordPress is always fired during a Pro Form submission when there is a new customer. s2Member calls upon wp_create_user() which calls upon wp_insert_user(), which fires user_register. s2Member does in fact handle the registration of a customer via the user_register hook.”
July 25, 2014 at 3:15 pm in reply to: Getting one time registrations to work with S2member proforms #64503georgef
MemberJust looking at the title of the post you sent for the s2hacks, Automatically Log into Affiliate Account not working for WP Role Subscriber…
My roles aren’t Subscriber, they are different levels that I have created with S2member.
Does that make a difference?
July 25, 2014 at 8:39 am in reply to: Getting one time registrations to work with S2member proforms #64502georgef
MemberThanks, no luck though
I just created a test account with Sandbox, account registered fine but doesn’t create the affiliate registration.
Anything else I could be missing?
This is my s2-hacks.php file:
add_action(“ws_plugin__s2member_before_login_redirect”, “login_to_wp_affiliate_platform”);
function login_to_wp_affiliate_platform($vars = array())
$username = $vars [username];
wp_affiliate_log_debug(“WP User Integration – attempting to log this user into the affiliate account. Username: “.$username,true);
$_SESSION= $username;
setcookie(“user_id”, $username, time()+60*60*6, “/”,COOKIE_DOMAIN); //set cookie for 6 hours
wp_affiliate_log_debug(“Found a corresponding affiliate account for this WP User! Logging the user into affiliate account.”,true);
wp_affiliate_log_debug(“No corresponding affiliate ID exists for this WP User (“.$username.”) so can’t log this user in!”,true);
July 24, 2014 at 10:31 pm in reply to: Getting one time registrations to work with S2member proforms #64500georgef
MemberOK, I had someone reply to me that apparently had the same problem, but must admit I’m not too clear what to do. Here is his answer:
I’ve also had problems with this one. The devs tell me that the ‘user_register’ hook should always be fired. However, during my testing I couldn’t for the life of me get it to fire during a pro-form registration.
My solution (as I needed a custom redirect anyway) was to attach a filter to ‘ws_plugin__s2member_login_redirect’ that calls the WP-Affiliate functions accordingly. I won’t list my code here as it does a lot more and is probably overly complex. However for reference the functions you will need to call are:
handle_wp_user_login – For logging the user into the affiliate platform (assuming the id’s match)
wp_aff_handle_wp_user_registration – for registering the user as an affiliate.
Not saying this is the best way, but it works.
Hope it helps!
July 23, 2014 at 8:34 am in reply to: Getting one time registrations to work with S2member proforms #64498georgef
MemberThis is the shortcode the Paypal Pro forms generate:
[s2Member-Pro-PayPal-Form level=”1″ ccaps=”” desc=”14 Days free / then $27 USD / Monthly (recurring charge, for ongoing access)” ps=”paypal” lc=”” cc=”USD” dg=”0″ ns=”1″ custom=”” ta=”0″ tp=”14″ tt=”D” ra=”27″ rp=”1″ rt=”M” rr=”1″ rrt=”” rra=”2″ accept=”paypal,visa,mastercard,amex,discover,maestro,solo” accept_via_paypal=”paypal” coupon=”” accept_coupons=”0″ default_country_code=”” captcha=”0″ /]
MemberGreat thank you just the way I want it!
MemberOK, so it won’t matter if they signup with a different user name and the same email address?
January 26, 2012 at 9:20 am in reply to: Plugin could not be activated because it triggered a fatal error. #39044georgef
MemberSo let’s say I want to have one affiliate installation but multiple products on various sub-sites, will this be possible?
January 10, 2011 at 11:43 pm in reply to: eMember and Affiliate on Multisite for multiple memberships #27888georgef
MemberOK great. And being on the one site, do you need a single or multiple site license for that?
July 13, 2010 at 1:00 am in reply to: Intergrating Affiliate Plugin With 2 Third Party Plugins #22381georgef
MemberAwesome, that one was my concern.
For the marketpress plugin, I got this response:
There is a basic integration with external carts already in MarketPress. You can set it to a “Listings only” mode which will remove all cart/checkout functionality and allow you to simply link the buy now buttons to an external cart.
So would that work?
Then, one more question but maybe not suited for this thread…
Can I integrate Aweber with the Affiliate plugin? I see it’s possible for E store I think.
July 12, 2010 at 2:48 am in reply to: Intergrating Affiliate Plugin With 2 Third Party Plugins #22379georgef
MemberApologies, just realized that you won’t be able to access those plugins, but the description might give you an idea.
If there is anything else that you need from me just let me know.