Forum Replies Created
August 5, 2012 at 6:42 pm in reply to: Question: How To Mass Import WishList Member Users to WP eMember (with Levels)? #48100
ParticipantAfter doing a bit of thinking and research, I’m not sure that using “WP CSV to Database” together with the “Import WP Users” feature will work with importing users.
The main issue is that WP CSV to Database seems to only *add* new data – it can’t check against existing data and update it. Importing 1000+ into a particular levels is going to be tricky… :$
Exporting users to a CSV file from the WishList export is problematic – the export doesn’t contain the passwords!
Add-on Plugin?
Probably what’s required is plugin which is a mixture of the existing “Import WP Users” and a CSV upload facility.
How it could work would be something like:
- Upload Users CSV file
- Select the Primary Membership Level for uploaded users
(wp_eMember_members_tbl db field: membership_level)
- Checkboxes for additional Membership Levels
(wp_eMember_members_tbl db field: more_membership_levels)
- Loop through CSV.
- Check against headings of: Username, Email.
- Insert/update user with membership level data
Ideally, if the import can work without notifying users that would be great. I can imagine messing up a few times trying to get this to work…
Something like this would definitely be useful – I’m pretty sure people who would like to migrate only stick with their existing systems simply because it’s too difficult to migrate. For example, I have a personal site that has well over 10,000 users – thankfully, I’m already using WP eMember for that one… but if I were ever to try and move it? Well, that would be quite a difficult task!
As a Developer, I also know that there are times when sites need to be migrated, so a good import/export functionality is always appreciated.
Is there any chance someone could help me with this? Updating 1000+ users membership levels based on their emails isn’t a task I’m looking forward to…
Thanks in advance!
August 5, 2012 at 8:54 am in reply to: Question: How To Mass Import WishList Member Users to WP eMember (with Levels)? #48099Zain
ParticipantAdditional question:
Is the importing of WP Users into WP eMember “silent”? i.e. does NOT notify users by email when they have been imported?
I’m only asking as I just used the WishList Member export/import feature with the “Do NOT email users” checked and it still sent out an email when I did a test import! ARGGGH! (Thankfully, it was only to 15 users… but still, that sucked!).
Ideally, I’m looking to set up a new membership area using WP eMember and for the transition to go unnoticed by users – they should just be able to log in with existing details but end up in the eMember system.
ParticipantCool… I’ve just uploaded and checked it – it’s looking great guys!
The fixes are working – currency symbol, total price, name and address etc. are all showing.
One weird thing… the PDF that was generated yesterday is still not working, new ones do. Would this be a caching issue? (i.e. would WP Super Cache stop this from re-generating?)
And 2 minor “nice to have” suggestions:
- it would be great if the “Receipt URL” (under the Issues Receipts tab) was a link that opens in a new window.
This just makes it easier for the Admin, rather than copy and pasting lots of times.
- change the default tab to be the “Receipt URL” after the settings have been saved for the first time.
At the moment, it’s a 2 step process – as an Admin, I’d rather get to the receipt page immediately. WordPress can be slow to work with sometimes, so anything that skips an unnecessary page is always appreciated.
Anyway – this is great. I’ll let my client know… I’m sure he’s going to be impressed too!
ParticipantSheesh… You guys sure I speedy!
I’ll test it out shortly and let you know if there are any other bugs.
Keep up the great work!
ParticipantExcellent. Thanks again!
This is absolutely perfect. And for it to work only with Buy Buttons makes sense (we only needed Buy Buttons anyway!).
Quickly looking at the “Buy Now or Subscription Type Button Specific Settings”, I notice that the Currency code field is available… is there one for the Currency Symbol (£, $ etc.).
Thanks again!
July 16, 2012 at 10:45 pm in reply to: WP eStore: New Order Management Addon Plugin – Default Status (minor issue) #46605Zain
ParticipantThanks for the update. And just in time too – I’ll download the new version and add it to my client’s site (we’re going live shortly!).
June 30, 2012 at 12:24 pm in reply to: WP eStore: Save & Retrieve Cart – Widget – When Cart Is Empty (minor issue) #46622Zain
ParticipantYes, those options could be done – however, it would still be nice to have it on the widget when the cart is empty. Mainly as this is the place where most regular customers would look for items related to their shopping carts. Also, it makes more sense to use the feature when the cart is empty, rather than when customers are starting to load up their carts (after all, isn’t that it’s purpose?).
Ideally, having a way of not having duplicated save and retrieve icons (as mentioned in the first post) would be useful.
Anyway, aside from this, it’s a nice feature…
June 28, 2012 at 10:37 pm in reply to: WP eStore: New Order Management Addon Plugin – Default Status (minor issue) #46603Zain
ParticipantHi Peter,
Yup – that’s correct. Using PayPal for the eStore.
It’s not a major issue at the moment, as I’ve made my client aware of it so they know what to look out for (and check the dates of orders). Would be great if this was amended and I look forward to the changes in a future version of the plugin.
Thanks again for the great support.
June 23, 2012 at 11:44 am in reply to: Multiple free memberships with AWeber integration and automated account creation #32252Zain
ParticipantHi, I just remembered this thread…
Am I right in assuming that if you use an Aweber form, then the Aweber API will post the data across to eMember and create a new user account? If so, then that sound perfect (just as long as users registering only get 1 confirmation email, rather than 2!).
Anyway, I’m just wondering if you have any documentation on how you set this up? I’ve not played with eMember in a while, so I’m going to download the latest version now… but documentation is always useful to refer to!
Thanks again in advance. Keep up the great work!
February 23, 2012 at 10:18 am in reply to: Dynamically Create Custom Product Displays Using Product Detail Shortcodes #41764Zain
ParticipantHi Admin,
Thanks a lot for posting this. Having now played with this I can say that using the
[wp_eStore_product_details id=1 info="name"]
shortcode can be extremely powerful and can help create really exact, custom built templates!Additional Tip: the
attribute in the shortcode can pull out anything that you can find in the “wp_estore_tbl” table in your WordPress database.With the info attribute, you can also pull out things like: “old_price”, “tax”, “show_qty”, “additional_images”, and also “thumbnail_url”. Basically, any information you need that’s in the database can now be displayed.
This is REALLY powerful!
Again, thank you for sharing this as I’ve now managed to use this information to create just the templates I needed for the project I was on*.
*PS: Actually, I went one step further and built my own custom shortcode to create a way of displaying product items in the order that my client wanted them! The default shortcodes only allows either sorting by ID or A-Z… with a bit of shortcode magic, it’s possible to just add a string of IDs and then render them just how you like! Very, Very Cool!
I’m now using the
php function to gain even more control.Note: replace ‘x’ with the info attribute you want to pull back from the ‘wp_estore_tbl’ table (e.g. ‘price’, ‘target_thumb_url’, ‘old_price’, ‘description’ etc.)
AWESOME! Keep up the great work!
ParticipantHi Peter,
Thanks for the tip… and it’s the conditions not being met that is part of the issue I’ve noted above.
When using Automatic Discounts, the only provisions you can make to trigger a discount is when the cart meets the “subtotal value”. So, in this case, a subtotal value of £15 must be met before the automatic discount is triggered. Then, additionally, you have to click on the “Update” button and the automatic discount gets triggered. (So not automatic – even if you’ve clicked on the Update for the Shipping variation prior to adding the second item!).
At the moment, this doesn’t seem to be right – if you note, in step 3, after adding the second book the subtotal should already be over £15, so the minimum cart requirements have actually been met at this stage… you have to click the “Update” button on the Shipping Variation before it’s applied, and then it works.
Removing the last text field under the “Conditions (Optional)” section will apply the discount to every product. So, this means that instead of applying a £3.50 discount to the subtotal amount, with 2 products a £7.00 discount is applied. This is incorrect and the condition must be set.
As it transpires, the one Condition that my client has requested to be met is the one I raised in this thread:
Basically, it’s a discount by Region (or Shipping Variation) – the condition being “if Shipping Variation contains UK, apply a £3.50 discount”. Theoretically, it’s do-able. I might be able to work it out if I knew where to find the PHP files… Any idea where I can find this file so that I can work out how to do this?
Thanks again for your help Peter. It’s very much appreciated.
ParticipantHi Amin,
Thanks for the reply, although there does seem to be an issue with “stack[ing] a coupon with an automatic discount.”.
If you have a look at this site, you’ll see what I mean:
The Automatic Discount should apply a Coupon Code when the subtotal value is greater than £15*.
Here’s a step by step of the process:
- Add a Childrens Books to the cart.
- Click update on the Delivery Destination (UK) (this is the “Shipping Variation”)
- Add another book (item 6 – £12.99) to get a subtotal value of over £15.
- Automatic discount should apply to a subtotal of £15.
Note: At the moment, it doesn’t! It says “Cart does not meet the minimum requirement for this coupon!”.
In theory, it should already apply the “automatic discount”
- You need to click “Update” and apply the “Delivery Destination” again. (So 2 clicks for this!)
- Now, add the Coupon Code: “CartTestZB” and click on the Apply button.
This is the second “stacked” coupon that should be able to be applied with the automatic one.
- Result: “Discount can only be applied once!”
I’m just wondering if there’s something wrong with the procedure I’ve outlined, or is this a bug?
I see what you mean about people trying to use the coupon to get the price to $0.00. That is a concern, although looking at it from a Development perspective, isn’t this just a cookie issue?
In theory, if the cookie tracks which coupons have been applied, then it won’t stack the same coupon twice but would allow other related coupons to be used.
Just an idea. And I do understand the issue of “code bloat”…
Thanks again for all your help.
PS: Anyway, if this is an issue and you’re looking into the Coupons system, please can you also check this thread I started:
Thanks again.
*PPS: There’s another issue – a “logical” one – with the automatic discounts:
To set an automatic discount you need to use the:
“Apply Coupon Automatically for Sub-total Over” and specify the “Coupon Code to Apply”. But when creating coupon, there are other options that can conflict – i.e. do I need to set “subtotal is greater than £15” here as well?
ParticipantHi Peter,
Thanks for the CSS tip. I’m okay when it comes to stylesheets – I simply need to know the file to use to add a few more elements, like adding the title “Discount” and making this a column in itself.
I realise that this can cause issues with updating the plugin, however I tend to back-up all php files prior to working with them. In each updated new file, I place comments at the top indicating what amendments have been made (and dated). In the main “wp_cart_for_digital_products.php” file, I even update the description to ensure any future developers will know which files have been amended and to look at. This is a good reminder to myself.
Seeing as I’m the only Developer on the site I’m building, I think it’s okay.
Anyway… any idea what file I need to tweak to get the shopping cart just right?
Thanks in advance.
Participant…Sorry. Had another “idea/suggestion”. This is optional although it might help those other users who want to have non-stacking coupons.
How about a start and end dates for coupons? So coupons start from DD/MM/YYYY and then are set to expire on DD/MM/YYY.
As I mentioned, this is not necessary for what I’m currently trying to achieve, yet it might be a useful feature for others.