Forum Replies Created
SpectatorThanks for the reply. I’m still struggling to understand why the issue would be with our email server, although that may be the issue. But here’s why I’m struggling:
1 – The first reminder email that was sent out 14 days prior to the memberships that were set to expire was sent out fine. This email would have gone out to over 200 members. It bogged down our email server, but eventually the emails went out.
2 – The debug file for my two test members (tparks & tlparks were scheduled to expire on Jan 28th) did not indicate that any emails were sent out the day after the memberships expired. I’ve copied a few excerpts from the debug file below.
3 – I forgot to mention in my original post that when the “day after” expiration email was finally sent out (10 days later than scheduled), it was sent to members who had already previously renewed. These member’s records were set to active and their expiration date was in 2023, so they should have never have been sent the email saying their membership had expired.
Is there any other information I can provide you to help troubleshoot this issue?
Terri[01/28/2022 7:30 PM] – SUCCESS :Checking member profile with member ID:701, Username: tparks
[01/28/2022 7:30 PM] – SUCCESS :The primary level of this user (Member ID: 701, Username: tparks) is expired. Setting account status to expired.
[01/28/2022 7:30 PM] – SUCCESS :Updating the member account with member ID: 701 Level: 11
[01/28/2022 7:30 PM] – SUCCESS :Setting member account status to: expired
[01/28/2022 7:30 PM] – SUCCESS :—– End of foreach (Member ID: 701) —–
[01/28/2022 7:30 PM] – SUCCESS :Checking member profile with member ID:702, Username: tlparks
[01/28/2022 7:30 PM] – SUCCESS :The primary level of this user (Member ID: 702, Username: tlparks) is expired. Setting account status to expired.
[01/28/2022 7:30 PM] – SUCCESS :Updating the member account with member ID: 702 Level: 11
[01/28/2022 7:30 PM] – SUCCESS :Setting member account status to: expired
[01/28/2022 7:30 PM] – SUCCESS :—– End of foreach (Member ID: 702) —–[01/29/2022 7:31 PM] – SUCCESS :Checking member profile with member ID:701, Username: tparks
[01/29/2022 7:31 PM] – SUCCESS :Checking member profile with member ID:702, Username: tlparks
[01/29/2022 7:31 PM] – SUCCESS :—*** wp_eMember_auto_upgrade() End ***———————————————————————
[01/29/2022 7:31 PM] – SUCCESS :eMember cronjob – wp_eMember_auto_migrate()
[01/29/2022 7:31 PM] – SUCCESS :eMember cronjob – wp_eMember_cron_email()
[01/29/2022 7:31 PM] – SUCCESS :End of wp_eMember_cron_email() function——————————————————————
[01/30/2022 7:31 PM] – SUCCESS :Auto expiry email notification feature is enabled. Checking user account expiry details…
[01/30/2022 7:31 PM] – SUCCESS :Checking membership level: 9. Interval value: 365
[01/30/2022 7:31 PM] – SUCCESS :Checking membership level: 10. Interval value: 365
[01/30/2022 7:31 PM] – SUCCESS :Checking membership level: 11. Interval value: 365[01/30/2022 7:31 PM] – SUCCESS :Checking member profile with member ID:701, Username: tparks
[01/30/2022 7:31 PM] – SUCCESS :Checking member profile with member ID:702, Username: tlparks
[01/30/2022 7:31 PM] – SUCCESS :—*** wp_eMember_auto_upgrade() End ***———————————————————————
[01/30/2022 7:31 PM] – SUCCESS :eMember cronjob – wp_eMember_auto_migrate()
[01/30/2022 7:31 PM] – SUCCESS :eMember cronjob – wp_eMember_cron_email()
[01/30/2022 7:31 PM] – SUCCESS :End of wp_eMember_cron_email() functionparks
SpectatorThanks, will do. Can you tell me what the latest version of eMember is? I can’t find the plug-in version anywhere online. We have v10.3.5 installed.
We also have the following plug-ins installed:
eMember Email Broadcast v2.4
eMember Bulk Import v1.2
eMember Profile Extended v3.4Do we need to reinstall any of the additional plug-ins when we upgrade our eMember application?
January 2, 2022 at 12:09 pm in reply to: Is there a way to show the password when logging in? #84031parks
SpectatorThank you!
SpectatorHello, I believe I have resolved the issue of renewals randomly not working. In our reminder email, we include a link to our renewal page. Turns out that the link works if you’re not logged in. I assumed members would be taken to the login page, but that doesn’t happen. In other words, members did not have to be logged in to renew if they clicked on the direct link to the renewal page.
I changed the instructions for renewing to go to our website and first login, then go to the Renew page. So far, 5 members have done this and all memberships were renewed correctly. This also seems to resolve the issue when someone’s PayPal email address doesn’t match their eMember email address.
Thanks for all your help, there was some strange stuff going on, but now I understand why.
Have a Happy New Year,
SpectatorWe’re using the PayPal Buy Now buttons. We are not using the Subscription buttons and do not have eStore installed.
SpectatorMore information – I’ve had a few more renewals come through over the past 2 days. In total, 6 members renewed, of which 2 were renewed successfully (there are entries in the log files for these 2), 2 did not renew as expected (there are NO entries in the logs for these), and 2 failed because the email address for the person’s PayPal accounts differs from their membership email addresses (there are NO entries in the logs for these).
For those that are failing without any obvious reason, it appears that PayPal is not sending over the transaction records. The payments are not in the Payments list and there’s nothing written to the logs. I did receive email notices from PayPal stating that both payments were made, and our PayPal account shows the money in our account, so I can conclude that there was no issue with either payment.
Any ideas on why PayPal will fail to send over transaction records for successful payments? Should I reconfigure our “Direct PayPal Integration Settings”? Would that help by re-establishing our connection?
SpectatorI looked at the screenshot and it seems the email is only triggered if the membership is set to expire in 10 days. It doesn’t appear that the account status field is taken into consideration. This is probably OK for our members who’s membership expired in previous years, but it does create an issue when a member is manually removed from our active membership list due to not abiding by our by-laws (i.e., we change their status to inactive). In this situation, a “terminated” membership record could be sent a renewal reminder when we do not want the member to renew. I’m sure the odds of this scenario happening are very small, but it does make for an awkward situation when it does occur. I’m guessing this situation could be avoided if, when we make their record inactive, we also change the subscription date value to force the membership to expire on that day.
Thank you,
SpectatorYes, members are required to be logged into our website in order for the Renew page to be visible. There were no log entries for the first or second members who renewed earlier today. This afternoon, two more members renewed and their renewals were updated by eMember as expected. There are log entries in the eMember_debug.txt and jpn_handle_debug_eMember.txt files for each renewal, all showing a SUCCESSFUL process.
I can understand there being no log entries for the first two members who failed to properly renew this morning IF PayPal is not sending back payment info, however I expected there to be some entries in the log files after I manually updated each membership record. Are manual updates like that not recorded in the log files?
I don’t have any evidence that PayPal is having issues processing the payments. However, it does appear that PayPal may not be sending eMember transaction information for all of the renewals that are being processed.
SpectatorThanks for the reply. The information you sent me explains how to configure the reminder emails. I have done all of that months ago. The question I have, is what rule does the software use to trigger such emails? The reason I’m asking is that we terminated the membership for one of our members a couple of months back due to inappropriate behavior during a Zoom meeting. I changed his membership status to ‘inactive’. Unfortunately, he was sent a renewal reminder email. I did not expect the reminder email to be sent to any membership record that has a status of anything EXCEPT ‘active’.
My assumption has been that the software uses the following rule (criteria) for triggering these emails: any member who’s record status = ‘active’ AND who’s membership will expire in 10 days from the current day.
Is this not correct? Why would an inactive membership record be sent a renewal reminder email?
SpectatorThanks for the quick reply. I reset and enabled the debug logs this morning (~8am PST). Since then, 2 members have renewed online. One of the members is using a different email address for their PayPal account than their membership, so eMember assumed he was a new member (I’m aware of this limitation and just correct things manually when it happens). He was sent a new member registration email which he ignored. However, a new member record was NOT created and there is no record of his transaction in the Payments list.
The 2nd member renewed online, but the transaction was not processed and does not appear in the Payment list. I manually updated her renewal. For both renewals, I received email notices from PayPal, so I believe the transactions were successful.
When I went to look at the log files, the files eMember_debug.txt and jpn_handle_debug_eMember.txt files did NOT contain any information other than the date & timestamp of my reset. The eMember_debug_cronjob.txt file contained records showing the processing of the Auto expiry email notification checks (all were successful).
The log files were still empty even after I manually updated the membership records. I would have expected something to have been recorded after I made the changes. I have the “Enable Debug” setting option checked.
Any thoughts as to why the debug files are not capturing information?
SpectatorI have been able to use the bulk import successfully, although I did discover a couple of things to watch for:
1. The import does not appear to support commas in a data field. I had addresses with commas in them and the records did not import, but the import message said that ALL the records had been successfully imported. I’ve posted this to the forum separately.
2. The order of the columns in your csv file seems to matter. I found if I had the username in the first column, the import did not include that field in the record and an email was sent to the member asking them to complete their registration (not what I wanted). When I put an empty column first (I used the ‘company’ field since I wasn’t importing company names), the username was assigned to the record and that triggered the email I wanted to send to the user.
Hope this helps,
SpectatorYes, we can easily work around it. We are in the process of building out our site and I’m using this feature now to just run some test emails to select members of our website team. Once we go live, we’ll mainly use the option of sending emails to all active members.
Thanks for looking into it.
TerriMarch 15, 2021 at 10:06 am in reply to: Does integrating with AWeber override the emember emails? #82734parks
SpectatorPerfect. Thank you.
March 14, 2021 at 1:28 pm in reply to: Does integrating with AWeber override the emember emails? #82729parks
SpectatorFYI – I think this might be a user error on my part. I’m working with our webmaster now to try to resolve this. However, I would like to confirm that integrating with an autoresponder plugin (like AWeber) doesn’t interfere with the emails configured in eMember.
SpectatorJust PDF files (meeting agendas, speaker handouts, etc.), most of which are small, but we have a monthly newsletter that is about 2MB in size. We are a non-profit genealogy society in Southern California with less than 250 members.