Forum Replies Created
MemberHi there Ivy
have done the update and kept the settings as you said and it’s coming up with the error 404 file not found!
would really love to have this resolved by the end of the weekend and I would also love to have the download link viewable on the Thank you page. I see that Paypal’s new checkout is now fully in place and am just wondering if that means that the Thank you page with the download (encrypted I trust) will be able to show or not?
please let me know asap.
due to the time difference I hope we can sort this out so please reply here and email me if you wouldn’t mind.
thanks so much
MemberPS anyway if I did go for the automatic update via email I don’t appear to have a product key for WP estore, only for the PDF stamper, regardless of the fact that I purchased them together?
MemberI also notice that in the WP update plugins page there is no note that the WP eStore plugin is out of date? Not sure why that is and I really don’t want to have to do a manual update as doing it with the previous plugin Shopp was really complicated. Is it not possible to update it from within the WP admin panel automatically like other plugins? and if so, how can I set that up?
thanks then
MemberHi there, I am waiting on my hosting company to do a backup so I cannot update the plugin right now
Is this likely to be the problem then?
or is there something else I should look at. You mention looking for the .htaccess file but I cannot locate this in the standard plugin download folder and I also cannot locate the error logs?
I look forward to hearing back and thanks for such a quick reply
MemberHi there
I am having a similar problem. I have a simple 17MB pdf zip file and in the digital content details I have input the full path for the download and I have tested the url by itself and it works fine. The email that gets sent after purchase reverts to the folder where downloads are normally stored (i.e. + an encrypted name) and seems to ignore the file path I have input?? I have unchecked the Automatically Convert option in the Addon settings (it was checked before) and it makes no difference. What I don’t understand is that I have only had this plugin for 2 months and it seemed to be working fine but now customers are having problems again. I am just about to do a product launch for the whole website having worked on this for 2 years and I stopped using Shopp because of other problems and so it would be great if this could be sorted out. In my previous support tickets I was having issues because some of the files are pretty big (i.e. over 600MB – high quality audio downloads) and that seemed to get resolved but because I haven’t sold many products (as I haven’t been marketing the website yet) it hasn’t really raised a problem till now.
I would also like to be able to have the download link embedded in my thank you page but only if it can be encryped and I know that Paypal have changed their system and it was going through teething problems and am just wondering if that situation has now passed so the Thank you page can now incorporate the link as well just so the customer experience is easier for people.
Your support is appreciated.
thanks a lot
September 21, 2010 at 9:29 pm in reply to: Download link in email not the same as digital content details #24151learningcurve
MemberI uploaded both files via FTP (Fetch) and you can select to zip the file during the upload which is what I did. Subsequently to that I purchased the exact file I had re-uploaded and found that it downloaded and decompressed fine so concluded that the compression was the issue.
However it would be good to get an answer to my previous question regarding the “AddOn Settings” at the bottom of page 2 of this post.
What I have noticed that by unchecking the download encryption box, even tho’ the file’s location shows in the actual link in the browser because it appears briefly whilst downloading but this doesn’t show for more than a few seconds so in that way the file’s location is kept mostly secret which is pretty handy otherwise it would make things far more tricky.
I look forward to hearing from you.
Thanks then
September 16, 2010 at 8:22 pm in reply to: Download link in email not the same as digital content details #24149learningcurve
MemberI have now uploaded this file (586MB) again via FTP using Fetch 5.6 and having that software do the zip format instead and have now just tested this new version and it downloads and decompresses fine so hopefully that is the problem resolved.
There was the following message when one customer downloaded the file and it asked:-
“Do you want to copy this folder without encryption?
A problem is preventing this folder from being encrypted.
Not sure what that is about tho’. This was for the MP3 version and have now re-uploaded that version to overwrite the existing file so hopefully no more problems but if you think this might somehow relate to the encryption online of the file it would be good to know.
thanks then
best wishes
September 16, 2010 at 1:59 pm in reply to: Download link in email not the same as digital content details #24148learningcurve
MemberHi there still having problems with the bigger files. A customer has just gone to purchase a download file which is 586MB.
I have already established that my server has a 64MB memory limit and yet all this time you have helped me resolve the video problem, those files (up to 122MB) have downloaded fine after unchecking the “downloadable file” box.
However on the forum there is some help regarding this and it says:-
“You can find the option to set a particular download method in the “WP eStore Download Manager Related” settings which is located in the “AddOn Settings” tab under the settings menu.
If you are having a download issue for a large file then try using download method 2 or 6 which seem to work better for large files.
I have gone to look at this and there is only 1 item under this menu, not 6? Are you talking about somewhere else?
This is really important now as people will be checking out my website very intensively over the next few days and I really need to hear back from you.
I just did a test purchase myself and although the whole file downloaded when I went to decompress the file it came up with the error message “Error Message 1 – Operation not permitted). Is it possible that this has nothing to do with WP estore plugin and more to do with how the file was compressed to start with? It was compressed either on my Mac or on the server once uploaded?
thanks so much
September 15, 2010 at 12:53 am in reply to: Download link in email not the same as digital content details #24147learningcurve
MemberHi there and thanks for the update. Was just going by the post saying there was a way around it so I thought it was already available. OK well I will wait to hear. Posting here is probably the best way of me getting the info, thanks.
September 13, 2010 at 3:03 pm in reply to: Download link in email not the same as digital content details #24145learningcurve
MemberPS having re-read the post about the enhanced checkout, you mention there is a way around it?
could you let me know what that is or maybe use Ivy’s login details to sort it out?
thanks so much
best regards
September 13, 2010 at 3:01 pm in reply to: Download link in email not the same as digital content details #24144learningcurve
MemberHi there
OK yes have looked at the link you sent and they are testing it with my a/c, and it looks good!
so my challenge now is, I’ve turned off the auto return in Paypal and it’s redirecting it back to the Thank you page anyway but the encrypted download link that’s supposed to appear in the Thank You page doesn’t. Just a blank space where the link is supposed to be and the rest of the Thank you appears as normal. I’ve got it set up as suggested with the proper WP estore code and was hoping that it would feature the link as it appears in the email that gets sent out to customers as this adds functionality to the shopping cart.
Could you let me know if this is possible with my files given that they range from 6MB up to 600MB currently.
if not then i’ll just amend the Thank you page
thanks so much
best wishes
September 13, 2010 at 2:24 am in reply to: Download link in email not the same as digital content details #24142learningcurve
MemberHi there and thanks for the update
Yes auto return was turned on in Paypal so I have now turned that off
and I haven’t used the enhanced Paypal but have noticed that within my Firefox browser the shopping cart looks different to how it looked in Safari, with an additional side panel showing the total price but they may be to do with me checking a box asking for that as a feature alto’ I don’t remember were as it’s now 3.15am and just off to bed!
As for enhanced checkout, I haven’t asked it to provide that so I’m guessing it’s not been selected. I can’t locate it within my a/c settings in Paypal. Where should I look for it?
So hopefully it should show an encrypted link then on the Thank you page??? Please clarify
and i’ll do a test of this in the morning as I’m too tired to focus now.
thanks so much for your suppor
best regards
September 12, 2010 at 11:02 am in reply to: Download link in email not the same as digital content details #24140learningcurve
MemberHi there again
I checked the box that said “enable transaction result display” and did all the other steps as covered here
WP eStore – Instant Digital Product Delivery on A Thank You Page
but the link doesn’t show on the Thank you page.
Is this not possible given my scenario with bigger files?
If someone could let me know so I know for certain and if so, then I will remove the Thank you page.
have a great day down under!
I love Australia
where are you guys based? I have friends in Byron
Thanks so much
best wishes
September 12, 2010 at 2:36 am in reply to: Download link in email not the same as digital content details #24139learningcurve
MemberHi Amin and thanks so much for getting back to me. I’ve done exactly as you’ve said (as the post in the link Ivy sent me didn’t say where the downloaded checkbox was but now you said it was in the digital contents details I found it. Just did a test purchase and yes it does work which is oh so wonderful. that’s great, I can now at 3.30 am finally go to bed and rest easy.
The download link still appears encrypted this end which is great so I don’t have to worry about that and presumably the shopping cart can handle bigger files (like up to about 600MB??).
Interestingly Paypal redirects me to the Thank you page altho’ the download link doesn’t show because I think I unchecked the appropriate box.
I’m just wondering whether I can still use the Thank you page set up and if I do does that mean the full download link i.e. unencrypted will show?
perhaps you could let me know and also if there’s a chance one of you there could reply to my other questions that would be great.
thanks so much
best wishes
September 11, 2010 at 8:15 pm in reply to: Download link in email not the same as digital content details #24137learningcurve
MemberHi Ivy
thanks for your email.
I have contacted my hosting company and apparently they’ve asked me to ask you
“if it goes through php or uses php memory”. There is a 64MB php memory limit with my current hosting plan.
As if not then I need a dedicated or VPS hosting package which is a lot more money than I am prepared to go for right now.
Most of my file sizes for downloads are bigger than 60MB! some up to about 600MB!
Have looked at the link you sent me and it says:-
“I can provide you with a tweak for the downloader script of eStore (there are a few different ways to get around this depending on your server’s configuration but it may not work on all servers)”
Is this a way around the problem? Really hoping you can reply to this very shortly.
I will put in place the files I want to download without the encryption for now and see what happens.
If your software does work with php and the link can’t be encrypted then I can’t use a Thank you page at all. Is that correct? It says this below the check box for enable transaction display.
“Check this if you want to display the transaction result containing the product delivery message on a post-payment return page (eg. a Thank You page). This allows the customer to be able to download the Digital goods via an encrypted link from this page instantly”
You say: The only option at this time is to uncheck the download able option
but I’m not sure which box to uncheck. Is it the Enable Transaction Result?
I did uncheck this box and just did a test purchase again and payment went through fine, etc and I did receive an encrypted download link and the same thing happened again, it download a 0kb file.
So I am still no clearer as to how to avoid this happening. Very much hope you can help and this is VERY URGENT NOW! Every hour I have to wait is another hour of money going to charity lost!
Thanks so much