Forum Replies Created
May 3, 2013 at 3:35 pm in reply to: eStore – How to Use a Text Link or URL to Accommodate the Purchase of a Product #45568
SpectatorI like the direct link function but I don’t see weather or not an affiliate can use it that way. Is there a way for affiliates to use the direct link option?
SpectatorIt is set to the thank you page []
I assumed since that page has the shortcode to display what was purchased for paid products, it should be the same for free as well.
SpectatorHere are two screenshot links:
For a manual (free download checkout) this is what happens
I get the Confirm Order page that gets the users information
After completing the information it switches to a blank page on that same page:
SpectatorEverything displays as far as the site structure and colors and graphics but the checkout section is totally white.
SpectatorWhen the customer returns to the thank you page it is blank
The return url is:
I noticed the item_number= is empty so when I add the product ID number (12) in this case, to the end of the return url it works.
I just did the latest update and still got the same results.
You can remove or change the link after reviewing what happens.
January 14, 2013 at 10:58 am in reply to: Manual Checkout not redirecting to Thank-you page – debug results included #41622Brodephat
SpectatorI also have this problem and I just downloaded the latest update.
Everything works fine but when using manual checkout for free products, it returns to a blank Checkout Page after processing. The download email is successfully sent but it may take a user awhile to realize this because there is no other information shown after the checkout page submit.
Any ideas?
Here is post payment log
[01/14/2013 10:54 AM] – SUCCESS :Generating download link for single file.
[01/14/2013 10:54 AM] – SUCCESS :Checking if a key needs to be issued for product id: 6 Requested quantity: 1
[01/14/2013 10:54 AM] – SUCCESS :Serial code that will be issued to this customer:
[01/14/2013 10:54 AM] – SUCCESS :Updated the serial key values in the database.
[01/14/2013 10:54 AM] – SUCCESS :Checking if membership inegration is being used.
[01/14/2013 10:54 AM] – SUCCESS :Applying filter – eStore_notification_email_body_filter
[01/14/2013 10:54 AM] – SUCCESS :Updating Products and Customers Database Tables with Sales Data.
[01/14/2013 10:54 AM] – SUCCESS :No eMember ID was passed so the user was not logged in. Quering member database to see if a user account exists for:
[01/14/2013 10:54 AM] – SUCCESS :Found a user account with the purchaser email address. adding this purchase to account ID: 2
[01/14/2013 10:54 AM] – SUCCESS :Current available copies value: Sales count value: 37
[01/14/2013 10:54 AM] – SUCCESS :New available copies value: New sales count value: 38
[01/14/2013 10:54 AM] – SUCCESS :Products, Customers, Sales and Coupons Database Tables Updated.
[01/14/2013 10:54 AM] – SUCCESS :WP Affiliate Platform capability is not present.
[01/14/2013 10:54 AM] – SUCCESS :Checking if additional action data needs to be displayed on the Thank You page.
it ended there…
May 27, 2012 at 2:03 pm in reply to: eStore – Using Categories to Display Products with Different Button Types #45304Brodephat
SpectatorOK, I put in the page for the product but it comes up
The URL specified in the “Product Page URL” field does not seem to be a valid URL! Please check this value again:
SpectatorI have sent you the required documents to show that I indeed did purchase both the wp-affiliate and estore plugin and I’m looking at purchasing the emember plugin after I look to see if it can do what I need it do. I did use two different paypal accounts when I purchased them but signed up to this forum using only one of them. Hope that helps.
May 25, 2012 at 1:53 pm in reply to: eStore – Using Categories to Display Products with Different Button Types #45302Brodephat
SpectatorI’m using [wp_eStore_category_products_fancy id=2 style=3] and I really like it. However, I noticed there was no link back to the individual product page of each product.
Is there a way to do this?
SpectatorI looked at my header.php file and removed the call for those to see if I needed them or if it changed things.
I don’t care about having the lightbox so that’s ok to keep off but I’m not sure about the prototye.js
However, the site is loading much faster now. Other than the lightbox functions, I’m not sure if WP Affiliate and WP eStore uses these.
SpectatorI have WP 3.3.2, WP Affiliate Platform and WP eStore and my site is taking 15 seconds or more to load.
I installed P3 Plugin Profiler and it’s saying that WP Affiliate Platform is slowing down the site. It also points out that it’s the lightbox javascript doing it.
It points out: prototype.js, scriptaculous.js, lightbox.css and lightbox++.js
Any suggestions?
# If for some strange reason your host does not have +FollowSymlinks enabled by default at
# the root level then you will need to enable Options +FollowSymlinks for mod_rewrite to work.
# If you are getting HTTP Error 500 Internal server errors and you have checked to make sure
# everything else is set correctly then remove the # sign in front of Options +FollowSymlinks
# below. If you are still getting 500 errors then immediately put the # sign back. All hosts
# these days should have this enabled by default. Enabling this will actually cause 500 server
# errors if your host has this enabled so you should probably never have to remove the # sign.
# Options +FollowSymlinks
# These are some common Apache Directives to force PHP5 to be used instead of PHP4
# Some web hosts have very specific directives – check with your web host first
# Remove the pound sign in front of AddType x-mapp-php5 .php for 1&1 web hosting
# AddType x-mapp-php5 .php
# Other common possibilities depending on your web host – check with your web host first
# AddHandler application/x-httpd-php5 .php
# AddHandler cgi-php5 .php
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# BEGIN WordPress
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# END WordPress
# If you want to add a custom 403 Forbidden page for your website uncomment the
# ErrorDocument line of code below and copy the example forbidden
# HTML page to your correct website folder. See the BPS Help and FAQ page for
# detailed instructions on how to do this.
ErrorDocument 403 /errors/404NotFound.php
# Plugin conflicts will be handled case by case
# You can leave the plugin fixes code intact just in case you install one of these plugins
# at a later time. Thousands of lines of htaccess code can be read in milliseconds
# so leaving the code intact does not slow down your website performance at all.
# Thousands of plugins have been tested with BPS and the plugin conflict fixes
# contained in this BPS master file are permanent fixes for conflicts found with
# these plugins.
# BuddyPress Logout Redirect fix – skip BPS Filters on Logout link Redirect
# WordPress 3.0.4 or higher must be installed for this fix to work
RewriteCond %{QUERY_STRING} action=logout&redirect_to=http%3A%2F%2F(.*) [NC]
RewriteRule . –
# redirect_to= string fix – fixes SFC Simple Facebook Connect Redirect
# Also fixes any other plugins that use the redirect_to= string
RewriteCond %{QUERY_STRING} redirect_to=(.*) [NC]
RewriteRule . –
# Ozh’ Admin Drop Down Menu Display Fix
# If you have WordPress installed in a subfolder you will need to add the
# subfolder name to the RewriteCond /blog/wp-content/plugins/ozh-admin-drop-down-menu/ [NC]
RewriteCond %{REQUEST_URI} ^/wp-content/plugins/ozh-admin-drop-down-menu/ [NC]
RewriteRule . –
# ComicPress Manager ComicPress Theme Image Fix
# If you have WordPress installed in a subfolder you will need to add the
# subfolder name to the RewriteCond /blog/wp-content/plugins/comicpress-manager/ [NC]
RewriteCond %{REQUEST_URI} ^/wp-content/plugins/comicpress-manager/ [NC]
RewriteRule . –
# TimThumb Thumbnail Images not displaying – Red X instead of Images
# If your theme uses TimThumb and the file is called something else like thumb.php then change the filename below
RewriteCond %{REQUEST_FILENAME} timthumb(.*) [NC]
RewriteRule . –
# If you have WordPress installed in a subfolder you will need to add the
# subfolder name to the RewriteCond /blog/wp-content/plugins/yet-another-photoblog/ [NC]
RewriteCond %{REQUEST_URI} ^/wp-content/plugins/yet-another-photoblog/ [NC]
RewriteRule . –
# Stats Flash SWF Graph Does Not Load Fix
# If you have WordPress installed in a subfolder you will need to add the
# subfolder name to the RewriteCond /blog/wp-content/plugins/stats/ [NC]
RewriteCond %{REQUEST_URI} ^/wp-content/plugins/stats/ [NC]
RewriteRule . –
# Status Updater plugin fix
# If you have WordPress installed in a subfolder you will need to add the
# subfolder name to the RewriteCond /blog/wp-content/plugins/fb-status-updater/ [NC]
RewriteCond %{REQUEST_URI} ^/wp-content/plugins/fb-status-updater/ [NC]
RewriteRule . –
# wp-extplorer login fix
# If you have WordPress installed in a subfolder you will need to add the
# subfolder name to the RewriteCond /blog/wp-content/plugins/wp-extplorer/ [NC]
RewriteCond %{REQUEST_URI} ^/wp-content/plugins/wp-extplorer/ [NC]
RewriteRule . –
# Adminer MySQL management tool fix
# If you have WordPress installed in a subfolder you will need to add the
# subfolder name to the RewriteCond /blog/wp-content/plugins/adminer/ [NC]
RewriteCond %{REQUEST_URI} ^/wp-content/plugins/adminer/ [NC]
RewriteRule . –
# Peters Custom Anti-Spam Image fix
# If you have WordPress installed in a subfolder you will need to add the
# subfolder name to the RewriteCond /blog/wp-content/plugins/peters-custom-anti-spam-image/ [NC]
RewriteCond %{REQUEST_URI} ^/wp-content/plugins/peters-custom-anti-spam-image/ [NC]
RewriteRule . –
# podPress rewrite ?feed=podcast as /feed/podcast
# If you are using a custom slug then add the slug name to the rewriterule
# RewriteRule (.*) /feed/custom-slug-name/$1? [R=301,L]
# If you have WordPress installed in a subfolder you will need to add the
# subfolder name to the RewriteRule (.*) /blog/feed/podcast/$1? [R=301]
RewriteCond %{QUERY_STRING} feed=podcast [NC]
RewriteRule (.*) /feed/podcast/$1? [R=301,L]
# podPress rewrite ?feed=enhancedpodcast as /feed/enhancedpodcast
# If you are using a custom slug then add the slug name to the rewriterule
# RewriteRule (.*) /feed/custom-slug-name/$1? [R=301,L]
# If you have WordPress installed in a subfolder you will need to add the
# subfolder name to the RewriteRule (.*) /blog/feed/enhancedpodcast/$1? [R=301]
RewriteCond %{QUERY_STRING} feed=enhancedpodcast [NC]
RewriteRule (.*) /feed/enhancedpodcast/$1? [R=301,L]
# podPress rewrite ?feed=torrent as /feed/torrent
# If you are using a custom slug then add the slug name to the rewriterule
# RewriteRule (.*) /feed/custom-slug-name/$1? [R=301,L]
# If you have WordPress installed in a subfolder you will need to add the
# subfolder name to the RewriteRule (.*) /blog/feed/torrent/$1? [R=301]
RewriteCond %{QUERY_STRING} feed=torrent [NC]
RewriteRule (.*) /feed/torrent/$1? [R=301,L]
# podPress rewrite ?feed=premium as /feed/premium
# If you are using a custom slug then add the slug name to the rewriterule
# RewriteRule (.*) /feed/custom-slug-name/$1? [R=301,L]
# If you have WordPress installed in a subfolder you will need to add the
# subfolder name to the RewriteRule (.*) /blog/feed/premium/$1? [R=301]
RewriteCond %{QUERY_STRING} feed=premimum [NC]
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%3D) [NC,OR]
RewriteCond %{QUERY_STRING} base64_encode.*(.*) [NC,OR]
[|%[0-9A-Z]{0,2}) [OR]
[|%[0-9A-Z]{0,2}) [OR]
RewriteCond %{QUERY_STRING} ^(.*)cPath=http://(.*)$ [NC,OR]
RewriteCond %{QUERY_STRING} ^(.*)/self/(.*)$ [NC,OR]
RewriteCond %{QUERY_STRING} ^.*([|]|(|)|<|>).* [NC,OR]
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# php.ini, php5.ini and the WordPress readme.html installation file.
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SpectatorHmmmmm, just found out that the new password is sent. Just not sure why I’m getting the 404 error