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Thanks a new checkbox would be great. The person using the site needs to specifically agree to the privacy policy as part of the new regulations.
Thanks, Admin – is this a feature that you are going to implement soon? It seems a wasted step to expect the customer to then open email to click on a link that could be served when the information has already been parsed for the email? would be great if you did!
How can I add immediate download on the thank you page? I don’t want to offer a 100% coupon or a direct download as I want to capture the contact details of the customer. I am using a free of charge pricelist so everything works except that the last step is an email sent to the customer. In addition to the email, I want the download link to immediately appear. Essentially all the data that is in the email to be immediately displayed.
Hi – how do I add a MailChimp signup box on to the Your Shopping Cart page in WP Photo Seller? Ideally, it would sit below the I agree to the terms and conditions box that you already have on the page.