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I have verified that the mailchimp integration info is in both eStore and eMember. I will need to enable the debug and capture a transaction. I will get back to you later.
Excellent thanks for your all your help.
I will have the xcache/eAccelerator issue looked at.
Thanks again
I have followed all of the steps in this FAQ without resolution. This has started after my move to a new VPS host.
1) verified that the items stays in the cart as you move from page to page.
2) verified that [] is set for both WordPress Address (URL)and Site Address (URL)
3) verified that PHP.ini has “session.save_path = /tmp”
4) changed “WP_ESTORE_ENABLE_NEW_CHECKOUT_REDIRECTION” from 0 to 1. This caused a blank white page instead of the error page.
Can you please advise on what I have missed or something else that I can try?
Thanks in advance Scott
I am having this same issue after moving to a newly set up VPS. I have verified that the session appears to be intact and the general settings of the WP site dashboard are the same. I am going to follow the steps above in hopes that it will fix my issue as well.