Forum Replies Created
March 10, 2014 at 5:07 am in reply to: eStore-display number of random products from category but omit just one of it #61083
MemberThank you wzp, will do. Are you saying the latest version will be able to do that? Or that I need to upgrade to the latest version for the custom code to work?
MemberHi admin, thanks for the help,
These are the answers based on the numbered questions:
1. I have 6 at the moment
2. Country|New Zealand:15|United Kingdom:30|Asia/Pacific:20|USA/Canada/Middle East:35|Other:50|Australia
Thanks again, admin
Will be waiting to see what you come up with…
MemberHello admin, I can see what you mean. I actually believe that most people are actually acting on the basis of good will and if they are simply choosing from the dropdown menu in order to get a cheaper postage then that can be dealt with, because their Paypal address won’t reflect what they’ve chosen. The domestic side of things is fine because their process is more automated as they are shown one postage amount and they do not need to click the update button. But I am experiencing that only international buyers are getting confused with the process which means that there must be something amiss with the checkout process for them.
When I start seeing it from their point of view, it starts to make a bit of more sense because even I buy stuff on the internet too. Normally the postage is calculated once you’ve selected your own country so that the buyer is shown only one postage amount in the end. If they want to try to be fraudulent and start selecting a different country just to get cheaper postage then we can always go back to them and tell them what they are doing is not right but at least there can be no confusion about it.
But that’s not what we’re getting. Our buyers are saying that they thought the postage shown was a flat rate postage and somehow we found a way to make it cheap for international postage. Of course, that sounds insane from our point of view but it is also not impossible for them to think that way. Of course, some will pay the extra for their shipping but also some will not because they really thought they were getting a good deal and that would have resulted in a full refund. Of course, I do not blame them either.
That’s because right now, a based shipping is immediately shown upon checkout. We can’t blame them for quickly clicking on the checkout button because they wouldn’t think that you would need to click on the update button, after all it clearly shows a price under “shipping”. Of course reading the text (which I do have) beforehand would have helped them better understand the process but you do get the ones who do not read. After all, most checkout processes don’t have lengthy text that needs to be read unless it is terms and conditions. The room for error and confusion is too wide and thus takes more administrative time to get back to the buyers and ask for more money which is not something any seller would want to do in the first place.
I suppose what I’ve proposed might be too difficult or time consuming to do but you would really be capturing the market out there that Paypal hasn’t catered for yet. So far only US Paypal users have the option for international shipping.
Forcing them to press the update button would help but the based shipping should not be shown at all in the first place. The based shipping is the one that is causing a real confusion here. After all, what is the based shipping really doing here to help the buyer understand the checkout process? Most don’t even understand what “based shipping” is. They only understand terms like “domestic shipping” and “international shipping”
Once they have selected their country from the dropdown menu and there will be even an option for Australia (which is the domestic shipping), then click update to show the final postage amount.
This also means that we do not need to provide explanations like “please click on update for international shipping” or etc because it is already understood. And thus makes the process faster too. This would be the much preferred method.
Forcing them to press the update button should take them to a page that says that they would need to select from the dropdown menu if they want it shipped to another country. That way it re-enforces that the price of the postage is going to be different for international shipping. I am aware it might slow the process down with an extra page but having that extra page will force them to read on how the shipping works. Once they’ve selected their country, click next and the following page will display the grand total (price of item + postage) with the checkout button. If they do not agree, then they can always cancel the transaction then.
But this method adds an extra page and it does slow the process down so the first option is still the best way to go.
MemberI have also seen how the original poster of this thread has solved the international shipping variation. He or she is using Paypal’s ability for the international shipping and doesn’t use wp estore’s international shipping at all. However Paypal only allows international shipping variation for US-based Paypal users only, which doesn’t help me because I’m in Australia.
Memberhello Lm1 and admin, thanks for your helpful tips.
I did try the variation prices included but that just created another confusion. That is because the price of the product suddenly changes to accommodate the shipping and that confuses the buyer, as they expected the price to have been reflected in the shipping and not the product price. Sure in the end it all adds up correctly but in the buyer’s eyes they don’t see it that way. That is just more administrative work trying to explain things to them. I wouldn’t mind seeing the website you did, Lm1, to better understand what you meant. You might be on to something that may help me…
Adding explanation to the checkout may work but it doesn’t solve the problem of people accidentally not reading them properly, it needs to be more straight forward without always having to provide explanation. Again, that just takes up more administrative work and time having to contact the buyers and explain to them that they have the wrong postage.
Still in need of a solution…
MemberYes, these does seem like solutions and I have implemented them, however it doesn’t really full-proof the problem. Buyers can still slip up by not clicking the update because most of them will accept the first postage price shown to them, thinking that it is all they have to pay. After all not many people would expect to click an extra button just for the system to refresh to display their actual postage to their country.
The solution might have to be, to not display the base shipping in the first place at all because this is where the confusion arises.
Here’s a suggestion:
Instead just ask the buyer to select their country from the dropdown selection, then they need to update to see the TOTAL price. In this case, they will only be shown 1 price instead of 2 sets of pricing.
This way it would more straight forward and the steps of telling them how to select their country etc wouldn’t be needed to complicate the process. After all, people buying on the internet want the product fast and normally would miss reading the instructions which is what is happening to me.
Here’s are links to 2 stills that could help on what I’m trying to get it:
Still A:
<img src=”” border=”0″ alt=”Photobucket”>
Still B (the current scenario):
<img src=”” border=”0″ alt=”Photobucket”>
I’m leaning towards Still A
What do you think?
MemberThank you, that worked. But with the latest version of wp-estore, input the URL link to “Thumbnail Target URL” if you want to send it a unique page, otherwise leave blank and it’ll automatically link to image.
September 14, 2011 at 11:31 am in reply to: jquery issue dumping password reset block in header area #27651lovinwordpress
MemberOk, it seems the problem goes away if you assign a page for the password reset in the “Password Reset (optional)” field under Settings.
September 14, 2011 at 11:19 am in reply to: jquery issue dumping password reset block in header area #27650lovinwordpress
MemberYes, I am having the same issue, with the Password Reset form appearing really large above my header. Was it ever resolved?
Memberyes, it’s true that the email is different but it doesn’t say that is it a manual payment.
and yes would like to have a different subject for the manual checkout notification email to actually say something like “Manual payment has been processed, please wait for cleared cheque or money order before sending item out” — if possible:) how do I do that, please?
MemberOk, just finished trying out what I really want and probably have settled with using 2 search forms. I can place a forum search for the forum in the sidebar and another search bar for the products.
But would need a search bar in the sidebar for that and have the results turn up in the main body of the page.
Someone else wanted that feature too, so I’m seconding that!
thank you.
MemberHello again, great work all of you. In fact I’ve been looking for a more detailed search engine, one with custom fields that will help the user more by getting what they want by allowing them to be more specific.
I have been trying out WP Custom Fields and I think I’m almost there. This is useful for an online store that has a blog as well and this search helps with posts and pages.
However I can’t seem to get it to search within the store products as I have inputted my products based on wp estore’s categories and not wordpress’ categories.
Based on their notes I think it can be done but I just can’t figure out the database field that can make the search engine search within wp estore’s categories.
Maybe someone can help with it as I’m not very good with code, here’s the link:
The most ideal search engine for both wordpress and wp estore right now would be one that incorporates both worlds. Being able to search within a blog AND the store AND provides customised fields to help the user get what they want faster than ever.
February 25, 2011 at 7:15 am in reply to: Can "Continue Shopping" Button be linked to what they visited last? #27400lovinwordpress
Memberhello again,
The request of having the “Continue Shopping” to be linked to the last page they’ve visited still hasn’t really been fulfilled yet. I suppose it’ll be all too confusing if I can’t show it.
Please visit:
and click on any of the product’s “buy now” button on the homepage and you’ll see what I mean…
The method seems to work but it is showing up at the “Item Name” and not at the “Continue Shopping” button itself. Here’s a screenshot of what I mean:
I sort of given up and wanted to just revert back to how it was since it wasn’t working out…but then now I can’t seem to revert back to how it was originally whereby when you clicked on the product name in the cart, it’ll take you to the product’s page. But now when you clicked on the product link in the cart it takes you the last page that a buyer has clicked the “Add to Cart” from.
Here’s the scenario:
My products are categorised and are displayed on category pages and on the home page as well using the shortcodes supplied by wp_estore.
I also use the “Extra shortcodes plugin”.
Therefore, the same product can appear in 3 separate pages, with an “buy noe” button. One at the home page, one at the category page and another on its own individual product page.
Therefore if someone clicked on the “buy now” button in the category page, the page will reload and they will see their product added in the cart. However, the product name doesn’t go directly to the individual product page anymore, it links back to the category page. And if someone clicked on the “buy now” button from the homepage, the product name links back to the homepage instead of the individual product page.
I don’t know what is going on but I’ve used Firebug to see what’s up and hopefully will make sense to you because it doesn’t to me:
I’ve even upgraded to the latest wp_estore 4.9.6 to see if it would revert if I reset the settings but that didn’t help. I’m also using wp_emember with this plugin.
Ideally I would still want the “Continue Shopping” button to reflect the last page they had visited but if that can’t be done please help to restore the product name link to link to its own individual product page.
thank you again!
Memberok thanks will look into it
February 9, 2011 at 10:44 am in reply to: Can "Continue Shopping" Button be linked to what they visited last? #27399lovinwordpress
MemberHello Amin,
Thanks again for your help.
Yes, I have done what you’ve mentioned and even checked to make sure it only applied for the:
if (get_option(‘eStore_display_continue_shopping’))
but it seems to be applying it to the items under “Item Name” and not the “Continue Shopping” button which is what I intended.
hmmm…I wonder what’s going wrong…
Thanks again