Forum Replies Created
December 23, 2015 at 2:29 am in reply to: eStore – Remove line break before product list in Thank You email #70139
MemberHi Key Master, sure! I’ve tweaked the WP-eStore purchase receipt a bit to account for the fact that I have physical items, digital files with access links, and digital files downloadable from within an eMember protected page.
It looks perfect in the visual, and the email portion above it (hello, thanks for your purchase, reply with any questions, etc.) looks fine in the delivered email, but the portion after “Your Order Summary” looks strange when it hits the inbox. (You’ll notice I removed the <p> tags from around {product_link}, since I was trying to get rid of the excessive space above/below it (didn’t change anything).
Here are some screenshots, let me know if there’s anything else I can add. Thanks in advance!
December 23, 2015 at 12:09 am in reply to: eStore – Remove line break before product list in Thank You email #70137lisajosh19
MemberHi all, might you share how you accomplished this, please? I have the extra line break as well, and am also getting an extra line break after each item in a bulleted list I’ve included in the email. (I have it set use WordPress and HTML, fyi.)
Thank you!
October 9, 2015 at 8:00 pm in reply to: eMember – Displaying content where specific membership level = expired #71541lisajosh19
MemberAh, okay. I thought maybe since the plugin could spot that a specific membership was active (as with [emember_protected for=1-3-5]), it could just as easily spot that it was expired, and then just be a matter of pasting some code into the page template.
I appreciate this shortcode, however, and may be able to use it to wrangle a different way of doing things.
Thanks for your speedy responses and willingness, Team, I really appreciate it!
October 8, 2015 at 3:11 am in reply to: eMember – Displaying content where specific membership level = expired #71539lisajosh19
MemberIf it can specify the particular membership, the way it does now for active ones, that would be magic wand perfect!
So you’re saying you can make the logic of [emember_protected for=1-3-5] behave like [emember_protected expired=1-3-5]? Probably not that code, of course, but that logic.
If so, that would be brilliant. Thank you!
October 7, 2015 at 11:12 pm in reply to: eMember – Displaying content where specific membership level = expired #71537lisajosh19
MemberI should add for the record, I’m not wedded to this kind of snippet; it just ran into the problem at expiration and thought it would be simple.
I’m open to any suggestion that lets me offer these one-off additional options only to people who have purchased the prerequisite. You may have a better idea entirely!
October 7, 2015 at 10:22 pm in reply to: eMember – Displaying content where specific membership level = expired #71536lisajosh19
MemberWow, what a speedy response, thank you! Yes, the stacked memberships are working nicely.
Where I’m stuck is in being able to guide people once a membership (ex: the stacked Gardening or Fitness) has expired.
So taking Amy and Gardening/id=6, for example, as long as Amy’s Gardening membership is active, I can show her the options to purchase Fertilizer, Gloves, and Seeds. Using [emember_protected for=6], it will display these to Amy, while hiding them both from the public and from all other memberships. Perfect.
But once Amy’s Gardening membership expires, I can no longer control what she sees based on id=6. I have to send her to a page (renew-upgrade) where the most protection I can craft is Verified User – but this also grants access David, who is on the Fitness track. So when David’s Fitness membership expires, he can suddenly purchase Fertilizer, Gloves, and Seeds one-off. Not good.
I need Fertilizer, Gloves, and Seeds only to be visible to people who have purchased Gardening, whether they’re active or expired. I want them to be able to purchase Seeds even though Gardening has been expired for six months.
[emember_protected for=6] tells the plugin, “Display this content only to people for whom id 6 = active”. Similarly, I need to be able to say “Display this content only to people for whom id 6 = expired.” This way, the only people who can see the content are those who have purchased Gardening at some point in the past.
It seems that if the plugin can recognize that “id 6 account state = active”, then it can also recognize “id account state = expired.” I just need that same code, tweaked for expired.
No need for a shortcode – just a PHP snippet I can paste into a custom page template?
March 16, 2015 at 2:13 am in reply to: eMember – presenting different specific level as renewal upon expiration #69130lisajosh19
MemberWow, thanks for the speedy response! I think I see what you’re saying, and will set it up in the morning when I’m fresh.
Gratsi, Key Master!
MemberSweet, thank you!
MemberJust some unofficial input from another user, since I seem to have figured something out and thought it might help out someone else. Seems to be working for me, logging in and out behaves properly so far, but no idea if it’ll work on other themes, etc. (I’m *not* a programmer, just a user who loves eMember and is determined to get the fancy login on my menu.
Go to the Menus page in the WordPress admin area, and add the menu item (ex: “Log In”) using just “#” in the URL field. Save the menu.
Next, display the Screen Options at the top of the page, and make sure “CSS Classes” is checked.
Now click the dropdown arrow on the new Log In menu item, and enter the following (without quotation marks):
– In the URL field, paste “javascript:void(0);”
– In the CSS Classes field, paste “142311581351 emember_fancy_login_link”
Save the menu.
Ta-da. Good luck!