Forum Replies Created
MemberH. Ivy, Thanks for the suggestion. I am using v 17.0 of Firefox. I cleared the cache and still have the same problem. The drop menu is displaying but it does not respond when I click on it to choose one of the options. Were you able to select different options from the drop menu?
MemberThanks again for all your input. Now that I have adjusted the template to remove all the descriptions and add-to-cart buttons, I see that the CSS which I customized to make the eStore template look good, now means the thumbnails are a long way apart in the new template. Is it possible to create CSS to size my 2 templates differently?
This is my current CSS which I now understand is applied to all templates.
.ngg-gallery-thumbnail-box {
float: left;
width: 180px;
height: 200px;
.ngg-gallery-thumbnail-box span {
display: block;
clear: both;
text-align: left;
MemberHi wzp and admin007 thanks for the tips. I ran the debug tests and discovered the problem. I have been using my PayPal Sandbox account for payment tests. In doing so the WordPress site was sending the ‘Product Download’ e-mail to an e-mail address which only exists inside the Sandbox test account.
I created an identical e-mail address and linked it to the WordPress site and ran another test. Everything is working perfectly.
Thanks again.
MemberHi admin007. Thanks. I tried this however it did not generate any links for the any options when I tested using the WP-eStore ‘Admin Functions’. I have now adopted the following where I put the ‘None’ at the start and it works fine. “Digital File|None|Small………….”
MemberHey. Thanks admin007. That has worked really well. I did a little tweaking and came up with one of my own.
MemberOK I have the problem worked out now. Thanks admin007 for your assistance.
MemberHi. I am experiencing similar problems. I have tried the above options to no avail. The customer is receiving the e-mail from PayPal. The seller is receiving an e-mail from the site with notification of the sale and a copy of the e-mail the customer should receive.
The customer however is not receiving the ‘Thank you for your purchase’ e-mail from the site.
MemberOK. So i have worked out that I ALSO need to have something written in the Digital Product URL field for the variation download links to be generated.
Now I have a problem when I mix digital with non digital product variation.
I want the customer to select either a printed canvas (3 size options under one variation field) OR select a digital download (3 jpg file sizes under the digital variation field).
I tried to create an option for ‘None’ under the digital variation field but it still generates a download link based on what is written in the Digital Product URL field.
How do I set an option for ‘None’ in both variation fields without creating errors or a messy e-mail for the customer?
Memberhi. I am getting the same error as well. I have checked my variation text and it looks as it should. Any ideas please?
Digital File
MemberHi again. I have had the Theme authors take a look over the site and they can not provide an answer as to why the confliction is occurring. They have told me to contact the Plugin Authors to see if you can check the code on my site and see anything obvious.
Are you able to do this for eStore please?
MemberHi. Still having real problems with this and no one seems to know the answer. Could you please take a look at my site wp-admin area to check what has gone wrong?
MemberHi. I did as you suggested. When I switch to the default WP theme, everything looks roughly as it should. When I switch back to my desired Photocrati 3.1 theme, the problem returns. I have posted a request for assistance on the Photocrati forum as well. Any more ideas?
MemberI came across a peron with a similar problem on another forum. Photocrati (theme designer) offered the following solution to him. Place the following code in the custom CSS area.
ngg-gallery-thumbnail-box {
float: left;
width: 160px;
height: 210px;
.ngg-gallery-thumbnail-box span {
display: block;
clear: both;
text-align: left;
This has partially solved the problem (no more thumbnails showing diagonally across the page – and the buttons are now underneath the thumbnail). What is has created however is single column of thumbnails along the left side of the page rather than the 4 columns i am trying to create.
Memberi have checked all my files against the link you gave me. they were all in place. i even downloaded the again and extracted the gallery-wp-eStore.php file to the /wp-content/plugins/nextgen-gallery/view folder.
I still get the same error.
I have made no manual modification to the next gen gallery or to the e-Store files
If you want to take a look I can e-mail the WP details
Membernow i see you. i will have a look