Forum Replies Created
MemberI’m giving up. I can’t get it to send email nor can I get it to properly return to the site to use instructions on the “thank you” page. This has been very disappointing.
MemberAre you able to manually send an email, using the Admin Functions, to that email address?
Yes. The seller receives a notification.
Are you using the SMTP account that came with your hosting package, or are you trying to use Gmail or some other SMTP server?
Is the buyer email account really in the “.me” domain? Are the emails received if a more “conventional” email domain is used?
Yes. This is one of serveral email addresses I’ve tested with.
Please read the first entry of this thread, and see if any of the suggestions help:
I’ve tried with the checked and uncheced.
MemberThe IPN log says
“[03/22/2019 1:01 PM] – SUCCESS :About to send buyer notification email.
[03/22/2019 1:01 PM] – SUCCESS :Product Email successfully sent (using PHP mail) to”
but as far as I can see, it’s not sent.
MemberThis is the info from the Health Check plugin.
### WordPress ###
Version: 5.1.1
Language: en_US
Permalink structure: /%postname%/
Is this site using HTTPS?: Yes
Can anyone register on this site?: No
Default comment status: open
Is this a multisite?: No
User Count: 4
Communication with is reachable
Create loopback requests: The loopback request to your site failed, this may prevent WP_Cron from working, along with theme and plugin editors.<br>Error encountered: (0) cURL error 28: Operation timed out after 10001 milliseconds with 0 bytes received
### Installation size ###
Uploads Directory: 23.69 MB
Themes Directory: 4.59 MB
Plugins Directory: 89.89 MB
Database size: 16.74 MB
Whole WordPress Directory: 163.65 MB
Total installation size: 180.39 MB
### Drop-ins ###
advanced-cache.php: Advanced caching plugin.
### Active Theme ###
Name: SidneyFinkel
Version: 1.2
Author: Steven Stern
Author website:
Parent theme: Not a child theme
Supported theme features: automatic-feed-links, menus, post-formats, custom-background, infinite-scroll, widgets
### Other themes (4) ###
Twenty Fifteen (twentyfifteen): Version 2.4 by the WordPress team
Twenty Fourteen (twentyfourteen): Version 2.6 by the WordPress team
Twenty Nineteen (twentynineteen): Version 1.3 by the WordPress team
Twenty Sixteen (twentysixteen): Version 1.9 by the WordPress team
### Must Use Plugins (1) ###
Health Check Troubleshooting Mode: Version 1.5.1
### Active Plugins (21) ###
Autoptimize: Version 2.4.4 by Frank Goossens (futtta)
BackWPup: Version 3.6.8 by Inpsyde GmbH
Black Studio TinyMCE Widget: Version 2.6.8 by Black Studio
Classic Editor: Version 1.4 by WordPress Contributors
Comet Cache: Version 170220 by WebSharks, Inc.
Contact Form 7: Version 5.1.1 by Takayuki Miyoshi
Disable Comments: Version 1.9.0 by Samir Shah
Extra Shortcodes for WP eStore: Version 5.1.9 by Tips and Tricks HQ, Ruhul Amin
Google Analytics for WordPress by MonsterInsights: Version 7.4.2 by MonsterInsights
Health Check & Troubleshooting: Version 1.2.6 by The community
Jetpack by Version 7.1.1 by Automattic
MainWP Child: Version 3.5.5 by MainWP
MainWP Child Reports: Version 1.9.3 by MainWP
MCE Table Buttons: Version 3.3 by Jake Goldman, 10up, Oomph
Redirection: Version 4.1 by John Godley
Standard Stuff (SternData): Version 20150614a by Stern Data Solutions
Widget Context: Version 1.1.0 by Preseto
Wordfence Security: Version 7.2.3 by Wordfence
WP-Optimize: Version 2.2.13 by David Anderson, Ruhani Rabin, Team Updraft
WP eStore: Version 8.0.7 by Tips and Tricks HQ, Ruhul Amin
Yoast SEO: Version 10.0.1 by Team Yoast
### Inactive Plugins (2) ###
Akismet Anti-Spam: Version 4.1.1 by Automattic
WP Simple Paypal Shopping cart: Version 4.4.5 by Tips and Tricks HQ, Ruhul Amin, mra13
### Media handling ###
Active editor: WP_Image_Editor_Imagick
Imagick Module Version: 1687
ImageMagick Version: ImageMagick 6.9.7-4 Q16 x86_64 20170114
Imagick Resource Limits:
area: 62 GB
disk: -1
file: 6144
map: 62 GB
memory: 31 GB
thread: 1
GD Version: bundled (2.1.0 compatible)
Ghostscript Version: 9.22
### Server ###
Server architecture: Linux 4.14.93-grsec-grsec+ x86_64
Web Server Software: Apache
PHP Version: 7.2.13 (Supports 64bit values)
PHP SAPI: cgi-fcgi
PHP max input variables: 1000
PHP time limit: 30
PHP memory limit: 256M
Max input time: -1
Upload max filesize: 64M
PHP post max size: 65M
cURL Version: 7.58.0 OpenSSL/1.1.0g
SUHOSIN installed: No
Is the Imagick library available: Yes
htaccess rules: Custom rules have been added to your htaccess file
### Database ###
Extension: mysqli
Server version: 5.7.25-log
Client version: mysqlnd 5.0.12-dev - 20150407 - $Id: 38fea24f2847fa7519001be390c98ae0acafe387 $
Database prefix: wp_
### WordPress Constants ###
ABSPATH: /home/rutwad/
WP_HOME: Undefined
WP_SITEURL: Undefined
WP_DEBUG: Disabled
WP_DEBUG_LOG: Disabled
WP_CACHE: Enabled
WP_LOCAL_DEV: Undefined
### Filesystem Permissions ###
The main WordPress directory: Writable
The wp-content directory: Writable
The uploads directory: Writable
The plugins directory: Writable
The themes directory: Writable
The Must Use Plugins directory: Writable -