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SpectatorI do see the click through trail when I run a test coming through a banner on an affiliates website. However, I’m still not sure how to capture the student’s name/info on a Lead transaction associated back to the affiliate. I can see how to do this using a Contact Form 7 or Gravity form, however, since we are using Adobe Forms I’m not quite sure how to integrate it to capture the info.
With Adobe Forms Central, the form actually is executed from the Adobe Forms Central website and information on the students registration captured there. If they elect to pay by paypal, then the call out to Paypal is from the Adobe Forms Central site as well. Other forms of payment include by mail, credit card over the phone, etc.
We do not want to pay the commission out to the affiliate unless the student completes the registration and until after payment has been received… we were thinking the Lead program would be the best approach.
We also have created a drop down list of affiliates that the student can choose from when registering….we capture that on the form and it is retained along with the other student info in the Adobe Central Form database on the Adobe server.
Worst case is that I create a manual Lead transaction based on the email notification…but was would like to automate it if possible.
SpectatorI ran the theme test and it did prove that the theme was causing a conflict. I was running the Avada Theme from ThemeFusion version 2.1. I upgraded the Avada Theme to 3.1.1 (latest release) and it resolved the problem. Thank you for all your help!
SpectatorShould switching themes for the theme test loose any of the settings so that when I switch back I will not have any problems (things work they way they did before the test) ?
I looked at the Option 1 work around briefly and the text box works properly there in the stand alone mode……but I do loose out on the consistent look/feel….
May 11, 2012 at 1:57 am in reply to: New install of WP Affiliate Platform – guidance on tracking #44694kworrell
SpectatorThank you for all your help! I have the new version of the plugin installed with the API that can be used to update the leads. Thank you! My next challenge is determining where to place the code…I have a Contact Form 7 registration form that allows students to register for a class and then it emails them and the class admin. informaiton on the registration. I would like to make the API call after the SUBMIT button is clicked in the Contact Form 7 form. I’m having difficulty understanding how/if that can be placed in the form or immediately afterwards to make sure the API is called to add the lead. Any guidance would be greatly appreciated.
SpectatorAdding to my previous post, I just tried the [wp_aff_set_affiliate_id] shortcode out and it works fine embedding the shortcode on a wp page (so that answers my question on versions), however, I can’t get it to work with my Contact Form 7 registration form.
Is there a way to get the shortcode to work with Contact Form 7 forms?
May 5, 2012 at 3:27 pm in reply to: New install of WP Affiliate Platform – guidance on tracking #44691kworrell
SpectatorThank you for the information, I will request the API code through the contact form.
Yes, I have the http keyword in the Target URL field.
Target URL:
The code in the affiliate view shows up as: href=”/classes/the-main-course/?ap_id=kelly”
SpectatorThats fantastic!
Is there a version number associated with enhancement above so that I can compare/see if I need to grab a new version?
I am using Contact Form 7 and already have a dropdown list box that I was planning on using to have the affiliat id’s listed. Rather than have them enter the affiliate Id in the form to reduce possible typo’s. Is it possible to populate the affiliate id field using a list box?
May 4, 2012 at 3:40 pm in reply to: New install of WP Affiliate Platform – guidance on tracking #44689kworrell
SpectatorA little more feedback on the ad code challenge. It works fine if the target URL is the root/home page. If the target URL is a specific product it does not insert the root domain into the code.
Target URL: —- this one works
Tartget URL: – does not work
code results: href=”/classes/the-main-course/?ap_id=kelly”
The banner link is correct, but not sure the generated code is.
Banner Link:
SpectatorThis is a great! I was looking for this type of functionality as well.
I have a question about how the updates work. Is this functionality specific to the requestor, or if request an update will I recive the new functionality as well? I am just working through the installation/setup and just refreshed / updated the plugin two days ago. Was this functionality there at that time, or would I need to request a new update?
I am using Contact Form 7 and already have a dropdown list box that I was planning on using to have the affiliat id’s listed. Rather than have them enter the affiliate Id in the form to reduce possible typo’s. Is it possible to populate the affiliate id field using a list box?
May 4, 2012 at 5:00 am in reply to: New install of WP Affiliate Platform – guidance on tracking #44688kworrell
SpectatorAdditional question:
4) When I create an ad/banner to make the code snippett available to the affiliates, for some reason the code does not include the domain/url info back to the site. Below is an example of what displays as the code in the affiliate view. Notice that the http:/ is not included. What should I do to make sure that it is a complete code for the affliate to embed in their website?
May 4, 2012 at 4:23 am in reply to: New install of WP Affiliate Platform – guidance on tracking #44687kworrell
SpectatorA few additional questions.
1) Is it possible to add a custom field to the affiliate details? I would like to capture a choice for the affiliate to recieve thier commission. The choices are for them to: A. recieve the payment directly, B. Donate the value to a scholarship fund, or C. receive 1/2 of the commission directly as payment and donate the other 1/2 to a scholarship fund. Ideally, they could enter their choice when signing up as an affiliate. I could then use that information to control the amount of commission due them for payment and deposit the rest to a scholarship fund.
2) Is it possible to add a custom field to the Leads details? I would like to capture the specific class that the person is signing up for as a part of the details. Currently, we use a single Contact 7 Form for all classes, and only want to pay commissions on some of those.
3) Is there an API call that I can use to conditionally make the call to insert a lead? In a case where the lead is coming in directly (not going through the affiliates webisite), I would like to allow them to choose from a list the affiliate id in the form. If they choose an affiliate Id, I would like to insert a transaction into the leads table for the choosen affiliate.
May 3, 2012 at 3:21 pm in reply to: New install of WP Affiliate Platform – guidance on tracking #44685kworrell
SpectatorThe referal clicks eventually showed up in the Affiliate view. Could there be a delay in the posting?
I still have the question about how to award the affiliate based on the lead. The Award button on Leads Management page does not seem to be working?
May 3, 2012 at 2:01 pm in reply to: New install of WP Affiliate Platform – guidance on tracking #44684kworrell
SpectatorThank you for your help, the leads are now capturing correctly.
Another question, now that I am capturing the leads. Once the lead has led to a student taking a class/money in pocket,how do you award the affiliate the commision? I click on the award button and nothing seems to happen. I would have expected an entry to be placed in the Sales / Commission area and available for payment, but it is not showing up. No additional information is in the debug log.
Also, with a lead is the affilaite view supposed to show the referal? Nothing is showing up there from the click over.
May 3, 2012 at 4:10 am in reply to: New install of WP Affiliate Platform – guidance on tracking #44682kworrell
SpectatorHere is a more complete list of information in the debug log after several more attempts. Does the Enable Remote Post setting need to be enabled? I’m confused as to why the messages would indicate that the leads were updated in the leads database, but not show up in the Leads Management screen.
Any help is greatly appreciated.
[05/03/2012 2:28 AM] – SUCCESS :Contact Form 7 lead capture feature is enabled. Checking details…
[05/03/2012 2:28 AM] – SUCCESS :Contact Form 7 lead capture data. Name: Kelly Worrell | Email: | Affiliate ID: kelly | Contact Form Reference ID: 687
[05/03/2012 2:28 AM] – SUCCESS :Capturing lead with the name. Name: Kelly Worrell
[05/03/2012 2:28 AM] – SUCCESS :Lead captured in the leads database table. Lead email:
May 2, 2012 at 6:06 pm in reply to: New install of WP Affiliate Platform – guidance on tracking #44681kworrell
SpectatorI followed the directions turning on Contact 7 lead capture. Below is what I get in the debug log when running a test. However, nothing is showing up in the Manage Leads page when I look there.
[05/02/2012 5:51 PM] – SUCCESS :Contact Form 7 lead capture feature is enabled. Checking details…
[05/02/2012 5:51 PM] – SUCCESS :Contact Form 7 lead capture data. Name: Kelly Worrell | Email: | Affiliate ID: kelly | Contact Form Reference ID: 687
[05/02/2012 5:51 PM] – SUCCESS :Capturing lead with the name. Name: Kelly Worrell
[05/02/2012 5:51 PM] – SUCCESS :Lead captured in the leads database table. Lead email:
Any guidance as to what I might be doing wrong/best way to test? I am running the test by setting myself up with an affiliate ID, then setting up a page in my current WP website to embed my affiliate banner, selecting the banner link and then registering myself for a class which calls the Contact Form 7 form to register.