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Support site for Tips and Tricks HQ premium products
Thanks Key Master!
The language file edit did the trick and was very easy to do!
You really have a great product and support that exceeds anything I have seen online.
Thank You Very MUCH!
Maybe I spoke too soon ; – )
Where the customer first sees the coupon box is after they add something to the cart. When the page refreshes it shows right above the PayPal button.
Is there another alternative?
Thanks very much! This is a better option.
I really appreciate the help!
Take Good Care,
I didn’t want people to think they were missing out on some great deal by not having a coupon code… kinda like teasing them or disappointing them as I see it.
Is there a way to copy all products and details to another site and “import” them into the store easily?
Thanks Much,
They will be told about it and given a link to it from the Intranet of their company. It will be a very exclusive deal only for them.