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You were correct. I removed the quotations, clicked check out, and completed the transaction. Thank you all for hanging in there with me. Your plug-in is ingenious yet user friendly. I am currently running Version v3.4.1 – hopefully this is the latest if not, how dow I get the latest version?
Thanks again,
quick question: Is there a way to do a fancy “Download Now” shortcode to put on my store page as I have free content to give away?
I do not think that is the problem. No matter what shortcode I use I receive the same error.
1. [wp_eStore_fancy:product_id:26:end]
2. 26
Hey Ivy,
I’ve checked to make sure there isn’t a space before or behind my “Secure Merchant ID” – my product page is
Thanks again,
Hello Ivy,
Spoke w/PayPal they stated the email address being sent to them from the checkout button was incorrect – so, instead of using the email for the PayPal account I entered my merchant id. That did not work. I contacted Godaddy as well, and they stated everything was functioning and turned on. I am at a loss…assistance please.
ps thanks for your prompt response to my first post