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MemberOk, I still can’t get this working. Here is my updated code that I tried in eMember_misc_functions.php right after the “end of autoresponder integration” line (around line #410):
Here is some error output complaining about not being able to modify headers (I’m not redirecting with this code, just added a line to the $output variable to tell me whether it thinks I’m logged into WordPress or not):
and a screenshot showing that my test code at this point does think I’m logged in to both emember (login panel on left shows my info) and WordPress (circled text on right):
Somewhere between the end of the registration code and the display of the “Registration Complete!” message the user is being logged OUT of WordPress but not out of eMember, and I can’t find where this is happening.
Your help would be greatly appreciated!
MemberThanks, I’ll give it another shot and try bringing in some more of your code and trying using your global Auth object instead of creating my own instance and see if I have any better luck.
MemberThank you!
Memberfyi, I wanted this functionality too and ran into the same header problem, so I just tried the following two solutions and both seemed to work:
$redirect_page = $emember_config->getValue(‘login_page_url’);
if (!empty($redirect_page)) echo ‘<script language=”Javascript”>window.location=”‘.$redirect_page.'”;</script>’;
$redirect_page = $emember_config->getValue(‘login_page_url’);
if (!empty($redirect_page)) echo ‘<META HTTP-EQUIV=”Refresh” Content=”0; URL=’.$redirect_page.'”>’;
I’m sticking with the javascript solution for now.
MemberNo problem, just did the upgrade and tested again. I can confirm that this problem is fixed in version 4.8.9, thank you!
MemberAny ideas on this or anything else I can do to troubleshoot?
MemberBTW, I may have confused things for you, I believe I had removed the address field from the footer text option when you did your test. I have restored it and just did another test, verifying that the ship-to address in my previous post was on the confirmation page. The stamped pdf just has a bunch of commas where the address should be, like copied/pasted in my first post on page 1 of this thread.
Feel free to test again if you like and check out the PDF, the PDF is just a test file at this point anyway…
MemberYes, the following shows up as the “Ship To” information on the confirmation page:
Test User
1 Main St
San Jose, CA 95131
United States
and here is the code for that page (dashes added by me here for clarity):
About my Photoshop actions and scripts…
I’m also using the widget in my sidebar, with the code modification to only appear if the cart is not empty.
MemberNew (very happy) user of eStore and PDF Stamper here, right now sandbox testing with Paypal and am running into the same issue as the original poster of this thread. Everything worked fine when the user had to manually return to my site from Paypal after the purchase, but now that I have PDT working the PDF files are stamped with just:
“Licensed to Test User of , , , . Email address:”
Before this they looked like this:
“Licensed to Test User of 1 Main St, San Jose, CA 95131, United States. Email address:”
The $0.001 shipping amount trick did not work for me either.
Not too worried about the phone number but it would be nice to have the address in there…