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Tagged: affiliate plugin, download plugin, emember intergration, expired download, index page for affiliates, manual add, new member email notification, PayPal
- This topic has 16 replies, 3 voices, and was last updated 13 years, 4 months ago by
March 30, 2011 at 8:42 pm #3079
MemberUsing simple PayPal Buy Now button, a new member (there are no free members and there is only one membership type) click the PayPal But Now button and is taken to PayPal. The PAyPal transaction completes and takes the new member back to the Thank You page with the note they will receive an email with their login and password. They never get an email plus an account in eMember is not created (I have to watch PayPal to know when a member joins and then manually create an account and then send an email for them to finish registration on the registration page).
Any help would be appreciated
October 26, 2011 at 2:44 am #30864Lisa_R
MemberHaving the same problem today — with 60 new purchasers and counting — no one is a member, NO one got and email, I did EVERY step in the video, AND I now I will have to manually add them to aweber too! What a disaster. PLEASE help. But I guess I shouldn ot expect a response anytime soon if Lairimar is waiting 6 months
October 26, 2011 at 5:04 am #30865admin
KeymasterAll of our forum posts are replied withing 24 hours. This thread is a duplicate post from “lairmar” which is why it wasn’t replied…. his original post was replied here:
With that said, please run a test transaction with debug option enabled and it will reveal the issue. I am guessing you are using WP eStore to create the membership payment buttons. This post will help you with the debug option:
October 26, 2011 at 5:15 am #30866Lisa_R
MemberI’m not using estore, just plain old Paypal with emember. I just bought estore and have not yet used it. But I will check out what you posted. Thanks!
NOTE: I just checked out what you posted — I am NOT using estore. I only installed emember and watched the video on how to set it up and integrate it with a simple paypal buy now button. People are buying but nothing is happening vis-a-vis emember.
I am thinking that the problem is in the code I put in advanced variables, but i was SO careful to follow what was in the video I can’t for the life of me think what I did wrong.
Here is my code:
I hope i can fix the bug (mine or yours) but I have another problem: Now there are about 100 people and counting who have bought my product who are not yet members as i intended. I will have to somehow add them since part of what they purchased is the membership. Is there and easy (non-manual) way to do this — i.e. if I can convince aweber to allow me to upload a .csv file of all the paypal purchasers, can I send these customers an en masse email that will prompt them to register as members and let THEM do the work?
Thanks for any guidance on how I can work around this snafu.
October 26, 2011 at 5:38 am #30867admin
KeymasterI am not sure why you are opening up live transactions without even testing the setup yourself first. Please make sure you setup and configure everything correctly and test that everything is working fine on your server then open it up for live transactions.
The reason I asked eStore is because its easier to troubleshoot a post payment processing issue with eStore (if you prefer to use PayPal button then that’s fine too… since you have eStore it would be logical to use that).
“I just bought estore and have not yet used it” – Your purchase record shows that you purchased eStore, eMember and the affiliate plugin together yesterday. Did you have another copy of eMember that you were running from before?
October 26, 2011 at 1:53 pm #30868Lisa_R
MemberThanks for our response.
No I only purchased all three yesterday. I was actually purchasing the affiliate plugin for another site, then while I was at your store I saw emember and had the idea to use it for this one. I bought the bundle with estore thinking it would be handy sometime.
But i did not install estore on my site because it did not seem necessary from the training I watched, as I’m just using emember with a simple paypal Buy now button. I’m only selling one product at one price using paypal.
I had to open for transactions a few hours after my tests failed because a press release went out about my product from a 3rd party today and it just couldn’t wait. I originally thought I would add a membership component later (even somethng as simple as giving purchasers a secret but unprotected page where they could access the member content) but I discovered the emember plugin a couple of days ago and decided to try it to make everything happen automatically.
The only thing i did differently than the training is that i am using a custom button image, so I used the button code you get from the tab that says “email” instead of the normal paypal button code. (When you save the button you get a boxthat give you a choice of one or the other) But this has always worked just the same for me before as the regular code.
I am assuming the problem is with the Paypal integration, because there seems to be no activity when people buy except for the sale. So something is not happening when they click on the Paypal button that prompts emember to send a message or add them to my aweber list (I followed the directions as to the parser as well.)
So do I need to install estore in order to find what’s wrong? Should I try using the normal paypal button image with the full code? Again, my Advance variable code from my paypal button (step 6 or 7 of your training) is in my earlier message. I typed it from what I saw on the training video, and I checked it for typos but it seems to be right — would you look at it?
I JUST thought of something: is it possible that my site URL does NOT have www in it…and it IS in the advanced variable code that this is the problem??? You can get the site by typing either OR into a browser, but I think the “official” URL is without www. Could THAT be the problem?
FYI The site was already up with a working paypal button before I bought emember — after installing emember and watching the videos I just went in and edited the button to be like in the training video, adding the advanced variable code. Since every other step in the video was the same as I used when I originally set up my button, i thought it should work.
October 26, 2011 at 2:48 pm #30869Lisa_R
MemberOctober 26, 2011 at 4:03 pm #30870Lisa_R
MemberI just got off the phone with paypal. They said that there is an incorrect IPN, they are getting a 404 File Not Found whether they use or He said there is “no script at that location”
The home page is a sales page, and I want everyone to see it, so I did not specifically put a script on it. Should I have? Or should I have given the URL for the “membership home” page which is in the IPN?
Would it be possible that changing the permalinks to pretty ones could have had an effect?
emember is installed working on my site as far as being able to add a member manually (I added myself) logging in and all that, in the member area. Protected pages all require login so that is OK. It’s just the paypal thing with the IPN that is not happening.
Would it make sense to deactivate and reactivate or reinstall the plugin? If I did this would the info I’ve already entered be saved? I guess it doesn’t really matter as there is not much.
October 27, 2011 at 12:49 am #30871admin
KeymasterYou made a typo in the URL when you entered the value in the “Advanced variable” of the PayPal button you created. The correct value should be the following:
If you pay close attention to the documentation you will see your mistake:
October 27, 2011 at 2:45 am #30872Lisa_R
MemberSo all that is different is the capital M in eMember? Aack. I had no idea that was significant. I did not copy and paste from the documentation, which for some reason i missed — I paused the training video and copied the code from there by typing from what I saw from the screen. ^%&&!! human error!!
Well, I’ve just changed it and people are still buying — let’s see what happens!
I spoke with aweber and they will let me upload a .csv file from paypal. Will eMember let me send an email to everyone with a link prompting them to register?
October 27, 2011 at 3:30 am #30873Lisa_R
MemberOK — the first person to purchase since I changed the code to have capital M now shows up as a member!! Hallelujah! That was all it was?!?! **SIGH***
Wish I’d seen the code on the documentation page behind the video and just copied it. Wouldv’e saved me a LOT of trouble and a few tears.
What can I do to add the other people who have already bought — there are over 200. Can I send them a link in an email? do I have to enter them all manually? And if so, HOW?
The new user does not seem to have been added to my aweber list yet. I’ll go back in and see if I made any similar typos when setting up the parser — but then, aweber may not could someone as a subscriber until he has double-opted in ? In any case this is not fatal as I can upload a .csv file of buyers to aweber.
Do I need to have installed estore for the aweber integration to work? The sales page for eMember would imply that it offers aweber integration all by itself.
Thanks for you help — please point me in the right direction to add the 200 members in the simplest possible way. There are no membership levels but one – in or out.
What if I were to send them all an email that would prompt them to come to a special page and click another paypal button — this one for $0.00 — with the right Variables script? Would this be a good way to correct my blunder?
October 27, 2011 at 9:09 am #30874admin
KeymasterYou can create a temporary back door registration form on your site and let your customers know so they can go there and register for the membership account. They already paid for it so they just need to complete the signup. This document will explain how to place a registration form for a particular membership level:
Later when you are done you can remove this page.
Regarding the AWeber issue, check the 2nd post on this thread:
October 27, 2011 at 2:47 pm #30875Lisa_R
MemberHooray! I have the “secret” registration page set up and hidden with the page exclude plugin. Thank heaven that I won’t have to put all these people in myself.
And I went to aweber — I originally looked high and low for the check box to enable all lists when I first created the parser and was following the instructions step-by-step but at that time it did not show up. Now it’s there, so I checked it. We’ll see if this helps! The other stuff appears to be correct.
Purchasers since I fixed the code now show up in the members dashboard. This plugin works great when users don’t screw up!!! I feel a little silly but I’m excited that fixing what I broke will not apparently be too hard.
UPDATE a few minutes later…
…and aweber signup is working now. Looks like I am set!! Thanks for walking me through.
October 31, 2011 at 5:41 am #30876Lisa_R
MemberHi, I’m back — I forgot to download estore since I didn’t need it right away and now my download link has expired. Can you help?
I think you can see I did purchase it.
October 31, 2011 at 10:11 am #30877Lisa_R
MemberNever mind — I did download it and found it (it’s not called estore in the filename).
I know I am doing this bass-ackwards….but I installed the affiliate plugin now — and reading the documentation I guess I can use it without using estore, but it seems better if I do use it with estore.
If I’m using a simple Paypal button for selling my product (and eMember) what would be the best way to change to using estore (still with Paypal), without messing everything up? (Everything is working right now….the button, integration with eMember and Aweber)
Or would it be better to simply let sleeping dogs lie, and use the affiliate plugin without using estore? We will not be having massive amounts of affiliates.
Thanks and sorry to be making this so complicated. I originally bought the affiliate and estore plugins to use on a different site so I didn’t think of installing all three on this one, just eMember.
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