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Actually I have Affiliate platform actived, but I don’t set it. If you say me another affiliate refers would gain then I don’t run it.
Have I to disable Affiliate registration, right? How do I do?
I expect this new feature, you are a genius!
SpectatorHi amin,
Let me explain what I’m creating on the site: some users can subscribe (eMember) to Author or Graphic and other membership.
The Author membership can post tutorials, news, and so on, these entries can be viewed by payment members, the free members can download that, and the Authors earn a % by this sell (e.g. 50% admin and 50% author)
The Graphic can post some photoshop’s action, icons and so on, and they earn % by thei sales…
So, like a small small
the quickest solution might be precisely: “If the Author has a affiliate ID, is it possible associate it to a single product for the commission only him?”
What do you think?
ok, then the Author must trust of my sales…
Other solution…If the Author has a affiliate ID, is it possible associate it to a single product for the commission only him?
SpectatorYes, that is the problem…
I think I’ll refrain from adding ssl on wordpress, but It is a sin, because now there are many shops with wordpress..
We will see in the future..
Thanks amin007.
Now I send You a it.php file for ‘Affiliate Plugin’
thanks for your support,
I read different posts on pages protection of wordpress, but It has many problems to use SSL certificate.
I add this line in my config.php file:
define('FORCE_SSL_LOGIN', true);
define('FORCE_SSL_ADMIN', true);
but this is a FORCE to https, no a real protection, because more css plugins’ style and java and so on are always calling in http and the browser send message ‘partial protection’ and that is no good!!
I delete that two rows and now ajax is ok.
Do Yow Know a solution to the correct https on some pages like login, registration or is It Impossible?
If You look on my other cart here, in the login page the https is right…
It’s a only a wordpress problem..
SpectatorI find the solution here to second question:
I post it for anyone interested!
SpectatorHi amin007,
-I set my wordpress to https in admin dashboard, but the eMember plugin can’t see the memebers, in the members’ list I have always the ‘loading…’ text and nothing members.
-I set in eMembers General setting the pages’ URL with the https, but in frontend my page are always called in http…
have I to make changes in some .php files?