Forum Replies Created
February 28, 2012 at 10:58 am in reply to: How to add bcc to auto-reply mail for paypal payment ? #40097
MemberI have found out the cause.
The cause was the variable name of seller email address.
In the new version (4.1.2), the valid variable name is
“$seller_eamil_adddress”, not “$seller_eamil_adddress” nor “$seller_email_address”.
Now I can receive the seller email.
Thank you.
February 27, 2012 at 8:04 pm in reply to: How to add bcc to auto-reply mail for paypal payment ? #40094supertat
MemberThis issue occurs even just after the following procedure.
– delete and re-install pdf stamper
– fill in a valid email address in the double quotes of $seller_eamil_adddress.
So I am sure this query has nothing to do with
February 26, 2012 at 8:17 am in reply to: How to add bcc to auto-reply mail for paypal payment ? #40092supertat
MemberI tested the new function but it doesn’t working.
Mail to the buyer is sent, but not to the seller.
In ipn_customization_config.php, there are the following lines.
//This is where a notification email will be sent after a purchase if you specify an email address below. Example eamil address:
$seller_eamil_adddress = “”;
//Seller email subject
$seller_email_subject = “Notification of product sale”;
//Seller email body. The {buyer_email} will be dynamically replaced with the actual buyer email.
$seller_email_body = “Dear Seller”.
“nnThis mail is to notify you of a product sale.”.
“nnThe following email was sent to the buyer:”.
I guess “$seller_eamil_adddress” is a typo of “$seller_email_address”, right ?
I tried both “$seller_eamil_adddress” and “$seller_email_address” with simple values like below,
but both failed (no mail has been sent).
//This is where a notification email will be sent after a purchase if you specify an email address below. Example eamil address:
$seller_eamil_adddress = “”;
//Seller email subject
$seller_email_subject = “FFF”;
//Seller email body. The {buyer_email} will be dynamically replaced with the actual buyer email.
$seller_email_body = “AAA”;
I checked junk mail folder.
Do you have any idea to solve this issue ?
February 26, 2012 at 7:48 am in reply to: PDF Stamper and PayPal integration – auto-email doesn't arrive #42311supertat
MemberThank you. I noticed I had a typo in ipn_customization_config.php.
January 25, 2012 at 12:18 pm in reply to: How to add bcc to auto-reply mail for paypal payment ? #40090supertat
MemberThank you. How can I get the new version ?
January 3, 2012 at 11:08 am in reply to: How to add bcc to auto-reply mail for paypal payment ? #40086supertat
MemberCould you tell me when you are going to add the option and how can I get it ?
December 30, 2011 at 10:05 am in reply to: How to add bcc to auto-reply mail for paypal payment ? #40085supertat
MemberThank you. Please add the option.
I would greatly appreciate it.
December 29, 2011 at 10:26 am in reply to: How to add bcc to auto-reply mail for paypal payment ? #40083supertat
MemberWhat I would like to do is, by adding my own address at bcc, to make sure that a correct mail was surely sent to the customer.
Is there any other options to do that ?
December 23, 2011 at 10:36 am in reply to: Stamp pdf Manually by using Chinese (UTF-8) results in random code. #31382supertat
MemberThank you.
I tried both mingliu font and Big-5 font with “Use UTF-8 Font” checked, but Japanese characters (for example Hiragana or Katakana, which is not in Chinese character set) are replaced with other unreadable characters.
I appreciate if you could make any Japanese font available with PDF Stamper.
I know, for example, following fonts can handle Japanese characters.
Meiryo, MS Mincho, MS Gothic, SimSun, MingLiU, Gungsuh, Arial Unicode MS.
Is there anything else I can try or let you know ?
December 22, 2011 at 10:31 pm in reply to: Stamp pdf Manually by using Chinese (UTF-8) results in random code. #31380supertat
Japanese font also get corrupted.
If you think this is the same problem, could you send me the copy ?
December 20, 2011 at 5:40 am in reply to: Security Settings seems not to work with Manual Stamping #39851supertat
MemberThanks. It worked fine when “Enable PDF File Encryption” option is checked.
December 19, 2011 at 12:17 pm in reply to: Security Settings seems not to work with Manual Stamping #39849supertat
MemberAlso, “File Password” seems not to work with manual stamping.
MemberI have just sent the site access information.
To reproduce the issue, please refer the instructions I wrote in the form.
MemberThank you.
> If both WordPress sites were in separate directories, the problem wouldn’t occur.
The two installations are in separate directories in the same parent directory.
That is,
– WP installation 1: /home/myname/www/mysite/
– WP installation 2: /home/myname/www/mysite2/
The URL refers /home/myname/www/mysite/.
php.ini file is at /home/myname/www/, though I’m not sure whether it has any relationship or not.
MemberYes, I have two WordPress installation on my site.
Is there any way to avoid PDF Stamper from being comfused other than removing another installation ?