Forum Replies Created
Raymond Nelson
MemberThank You
I reinstalled the plugin and added the changes one by one and found the problem
December 13, 2011 at 11:20 pm in reply to: Modify the Appearance of the reset and close button on the password reset page #39598Raymond Nelson
MemberThank you it worked out exactly the way I wanted.
when I used the input[type=”button”] in my custom code all of the input buttons in the back end of my site changed also (I didn’t realize that at the time of the post) but using the hint you gave me to use emember_forgot_pass_prompt_close_btn I changed the code in my file from, input[type=”button”] to wp_emember_email_doSend in my custom file and the reset button stayed the same and the buttons in the back end of my site changed back.
Thank you for your timely help
Raymond Nelson
MemberThank you
I do not have a Login page but have the WP eMember Login Widgit in the Primary Widgit Area.
My Home page URL is entered into the “Login Page (Mandatory)”
On all of the pages that use the primary sidebar a Login Menu is present in the Primary Side bar area. If the person has previously registered, when the Username and Password are entered correctly and the Login button in this widgit is pressed , the Login menu disappers and is replace by text menu indicating that the person is logged in. If the person then Logs Out the text disappears and is again replaced by the Login Menu.
If they have not registered or have entered incorrect information they stay on same page and red text appeares at the bottom of the menu say Wrong Username or Password. This appears to be working correctly.
I have also created a Free Membership Level. When a new User pushes the Join Now button the are directed to the Membership page and then given the option to choose a membership level. If they choose the free membership they are then redirected to the registration page. After filling out the registration form they are redirected to a page that says
Registration Complete! Please Login
When the Login link is pressed the User is sent back to the Registration page and not my Home Page.
If they then navigate to the any page that has the primary widgit area present and they Login in the primary widgit area the Login menu has dissappears and is replaced by text menu indicating that the person is logged in. If I look in the members list they have been entered as a new member at the correct Membership level. This seems to me to indicate that the person is registering.
If the User tries to access the free content without logging in they are redirected to page that says
Please Login to view this Content.(Not a member? Join Today!)
When this login button is pushed a drop down menu appares and they are presented with the login form with a sign in button on the bottom. If they sign in correctly they are redirected to my home page with the text menu present indicating that they are logged in. If they input incorrect information the drop down menu dissappears and they stay on the same page. No message appears indicating that they have made a mistake in the Username or Password. I am not sure if this is the right behavior or not.
I’m not sure what is going on.
I did change the appearance of the Login Button and the Sign-in button, maybe I broke something.
Thank you for your assistance.
Raymond Nelson
MemberThank you again
That was exactly the line of code I neededed. The change worked exactly right again.
Raymond Nelson
MemberThank you
That was exactly the line of code I neededed. The change worked exactly right.
Now I am having a diffuculty locating the file and the line of code that control the “sign in” button on the dropdown menu attached to the Login link if you try to see the free content if you are not logged in
Please Login to view this Content.(Not a member? Join Today!)
Could you please tell me where I can locate the file and line where I can again replace the generic button with stylized button I made in Illustrator.
Raymond Nelson
MemberUsing Google Chrome deleloper tools I was able to locate the line of code that i want to change.
I want to change this
<input class=”eMember_button submit” name=”eMember_Register” type=”submit” id=”eMember_Register” value=”Register”>
into this
<input type=”image” src=””>
After I made this change the preview gave me the results the funtion and appearance that I wanted.
Unfortunately, Google Chrome developer tools do not tell me where the code is located.
I still need the file name and line number where I can find the instance.
Thank you
Raymond Nelson
I want to replace the appearance of the Blue Login and Registration buttons with custom images that I have created in Illustrator.
I found the Login button instance on line 372 in the source code from the file eMember_auth_utils.php. I replaced Line 372 with:
<input name=”doLogin” type=”image” id=”doLogin” src=”” value=”<?php echo EMEMBER_LOGIN;?>” />
I got the results I wanted.
My problem now is that cannot locate the instance of for the Blue Registration Button from the registration page.
Could you please tell me the file name and line number where I can find the instance of the blue registration button so that I may replace my uploaded customized image.
Raymond Nelson
MemberThis solved the problem.
I had the wrong short code on the Join Us page. I had
[wp_eStore_buy_now_fancy id=2] when I changed it to [wp_eStore_fancy1 id=2] the problem resolved.
I also changed the price from .00 to 0.00 thank you for that tip
Forever grateful
Raymond Nelson
MemberI already tried to do that and it didn’t work. I just tried it again and I must be doing something wrong because it still did not work. I went to My registration page copied the Permalink ( then went to Wp eStore Manage products page and selected the edit link on my free membership product
ID Image Product Name Price Download Link Sales Count Available Copies Edit/delete
2 Free Membership .00 0
I then clicked on the
Additional Product Details (Click to Expand)
and went to the
Button Redirect Target URL
I placed my copied permalink in the box and then scrolled down to the save product button and clicked on it.
the (Product “Free Membership” updated.) appeared in a yellow banner on the top of the page.
I Then went to my website and navigated to my Join in page pressed the join now button and was redirected to Pay Pal
Under the Button Redirect Target URL Box are the words
Only use this if you want the Add to Cart button for this product to go to the specified URL above (example: a landing page, sales page) instead of adding the product to the shopping cart. Useful when you are selling/promoting product of others.
The button I changed was the Buy Now button I didn’t have an Add to Cart Button in the product.
I changed this by placing the link to my image ( in the Button Image URL directly above the Button Redirect Target URL.
Did I miss a step? What now?
Raymond Nelson
MemberWhat I am basically trying to duplicate is the presentation that is on the WP eMember Demo Site’s Join Us page. ( I want multiple levels of membership, one Free an others paid. I want to keep the page clean and looking neat so I want all of the memberships set up in the same product format.
Thank you