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For the moment, the purchase with PayPal is working OK. I just checked all the points and I regenerated the PDT token, and it started working.
Now, I only have the issue with the RedSys checkout, already integrated in the plugin. With this plugin I still have the same problem, no link, no email.
In the error_log nothing destacable. The last error related with the plugin is a operation failed because my hosting was running out of space, but I alredy solved it, and that was about 2 weeks ago.
– Yes, in the Advanced Settings I enabled “Display Download Links & Purchase Info On Your Thankyou Page”, and in the content of this page the {product_link_digital_items_only} slug is present.
– I checked that the tankyou page [] has the correct shortcode, in this case: [WPS_thankyou_page]
– I tried two configurations for the IPN message: One is just pointing to the main domain [] and the other is pointing directly to the IPN page []. Now is pointed to the first one.
– The IPN page has the correct shortcode: [WPS_ipn]
– The “Store” page is there. I didn’t deleted any page created by the plugin. The shortcode in this page is: [WPS_store_home]
– The url of one of my photo galleries is: []
and I changed the price to 0,01€ for testing purposes.
– I don’t already know what can block the IPN message. The only security suite I have is Wordfence, and I already disabled it.
– For now, noting that I just made a purchase for testing pruposes, the log contains more info than the first time I tested, but still not generating any download, no email, no amount in the admin panel.
– Can download last log here: []
Please, don’t forget that I have the same issue with the other payment method, called Redsys, so the problem probably is not coming from Paypal. This payment method is integrated in the plugin and will be the very first option for my customers. The configuration I introduced into this payment method is working verified working with a woocommerce store. There is no IPN and no PDT to configure here.
Thanks, I really apreciate so much your help
MemberFor explain better one of the problems I have, I attach a screenshot.
MemberI already had configured the IPN for paypal. For the Redsys Gateway, no IPN is required.
I disabled Wordfence and nothing changed.
I enabled debug option, I changed the price to 0.01 and tested another sell, and the only lines I had in the LOG.TXT are:
[LOG DATE: 05/22/2017 6:51:23 am – Server time zone UTC]
[WPSPriceList.php – line 86] No variation record found for variation type physical and price list id: 1
The purchase failed like the other attempts.
My wordpress is configured in multisite, is there a restriction with this?