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Doh, Just sorted out the NextGen Custom line with
and it works.
However, the WP Lighbox Ultimate viewer is showing quite alot of navigation elements. Is there anyway of say disabling certain features via an interface or parameter?
PS It would be worth doing a blog post or something on integration with NextGen since it is so popular.
Here are some examples from the plugin
Thickbox – class=”thickbox” rel=”%GALLERY_NAME%”
Lightbox – rel=”lightbox[%GALLERY_NAME%]”
Highslide – class=”highslide” onclick=”return hs.expand(this, { slideshowGroup: %GALLERY_NAME% })”
Shutter – class=”shutterset_%GALLERY_NAME%”
Custom is blank
Changing to the Lightbox Effect create the following line of code for the gallery.
<a href="" title="1st image desc" rel="lightbox[set_1]">
Being able to use the WP Lightbox Ultimate plugin with NextGen would be a huge plus. My goal is to have a consistent lightbox style overlay for video and to use with NextGen Galleries.
Thanks, David