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Ok so I had a long talk with my hosting company, they checked the Apache log files, no errors found. They also walked through the payment process with me to see the problem in action, but it seems like the errors are found on site, so they said its not a server issue since the error is not shown on the site directly. It has to do more with the method used.
So here I am again in square one. It seems like all shortcodes work fine with paypal sandbox except the direct post linking method.
Also, for some reason it doesn’t show the 405 error message anymore, instead it shows “Cannot POST /webapps/mpp/home-general?” on the paypal sanbox site.
I don’t see a “verification” field. How do I add it?
Due to the nature of this particular membership level, they register first (skipping the payment process) and pay later (through invoice), So captcha would be needed.