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Member1°) copy .jpg_backup
2°) rename for exemple prefix_name_of_file_suffix.jpg
it necessary to use another name that name_of_file.jpg
because it name of resized file in nextgen gallery.
Thank for your help
First, thank you for your work.
I think we’re close to a perfect solution.
This extension is not very clean :
– estore must copy the .jpg_backup file or files (because it necessary not changed nextgen gallery) and rename it with clean name when customer buy it.
MemberI have tested to download a file with .jpg_backup
Customer can’t read this file on osx , windows XP, vista and seven (tested this morning)
There are 7 months that nextgen gallery has made this change …
.jpg_backup is not a file for user of nextgen.
.jpg_backup only permit to restore original file instead of resized image in nextgen.
There are 2 solutions :
1°) you publish hack, for modify nextgen
for exemple, when you save you file the picture renamed nameofpicture_backup.jpg
instead of nameofpicture.jpg_backup
2°) you modify estore to be compatible with the evolution of nextgen gallery.
your script automatically rename all the picture will be downloaded…
I wait with impatience your reply.
MemberI think that estore has not been maintained according changes of nextgen gallery.
I foolishly read the site and ordered your plugin.
But I’m starting to believe it will never work.
I have to find another solution.
I lost a lot of time …
Memberok, but the problm is that customer download unusable file …
Because Original picture (HQ) have the name “picture.jpg_backup”
same problm
“Invalid Product Download Request!”
I have contact tipsandtricks-hq, he said that “estore don’t have a problm but my nextgen gallery plugin rename original picture with suffix _backup. “
“he said he should not !”
But the problm is that all new nextgen gallery use this system, when you upload picture :
for exemple, i upload photoxxx.jpg :
– original image renamed with suffix _backup (HQ image) ex : photoxxx.jpg_backup
– resized image keep orignal name of the picture ex : photoxxx.jpg
– for thumbs, image renamed with prefix thumbs ex : thumbs_photoxxx.jpg
If anyone have tips, your welcome