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Thanks, I did try that but it didn’t work, I ended up getting the user id, pulling the meta_value and unserializing it.
Maybe I had something wrong, but I tried it several times and it never returned the code. I will attempt it again, when I’m refactoring to see if I can get it to work, it has to be a performance hit to query the db again.
I am using the $user_id = $auth->getUserInfo(‘member_id’); to retrieve member id and similarly for other fields in the members table, but how do I retrieve and parse a custom field that I use during registration? I have two custom field, School/Organization and Organization_code, and I need to get the value for Organization_code to set visible properties on my page, but I cannot find code that will return the value.
I see the custom fields in the wp_members_meta_tbl as serialized data in the meta_value field, but how do I retrieve those values?