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One last question:
If I have understood well, the Api Get or Post process only stamps the PDF file, but nnever send the email to the customer.
Basically, it is the same as manual stamping.
So this means that WP Stamper does not send the email to the customer unless it has received the IPN validation from the payment processor?
Is this correct?
I am not a programmer or coder but simply followed the instructions in the script manual that came with my IPN handler to test the API GET Call.
No further processing is mentioned other than displaying the results in the download or email templates.
However, the developer has left the script open.
Do you mean that if I copy the sample php code in the WP Stamper integration panel and add it to the above script it should work?
Isn’t there any other coding to be done about it?
The thing is; I have a script that I use as my main IPN handler because it comes with many customisation features.
It’s able to send the API GET Call to WP Stamper and allows me to display the returned data in my download and email page templates.
My problem is that: the returned data text is in English (for French customers).
Is there a way to customise the text in French?
My concern is that in case the returned data is an error, my customers might freak out and this would not give a good image of my services at all.
It’s working now. Thanks.
Another question:
Does WP PDF Stamper send an email to the customer when using the API GET call? or does it not?
Thank you.
I have done the change, but there is no ipn_handle_debug.log file in the folder.
Is it created automatically or should I create one?
I have made the translation, making sure I respected what’s required on each line, but PDF Stamper is not sending the emails any more.
Below is my code in full. I cannot see where I am making a mistake.
//The from email address that will be used to send emails to the buyer. By default it will use the paypal receiver email address.
$from_email = “”;
//Email subject
$subject = “Les Services Esther – Merci Pour Votre Commande”;
//The buyer email body. The first name, last name and stamped file’s URL will be replaced with the text with braces {}
$buyer_email_body = “Cher(Chère) {first_name} {last_name},”.
“nnMerci pour votre commande sur notre site web.”.
“nnPour plus d’informations concernant la transaction financière,”.
“nveuillez vous référer au reçu envoyé par Paypal.”.
“nnVotre Commande”.
“.“nPour télécharger votre carte ou video, veuillez cliquer sur le”.
“nlien ci-dessous.”.
“nSi le lien n’est pas cliquable, copiez-le en entier et collez-le”.
“ndans votre navigateur web.”.
“nnService Clientèle”.
“.“nPour toute assistance relative à votre commande, vous pouvez nous”.
“ncontacter à partir du site, en allant sur:”.
“nMerci encore et que Dieu vous bénisse!”.
“nBureau des Publications”.
“nLes Services Esther”.
//Enable or disable debug
$debug_enabled = false;
// Debug log file name
$debug_log = “ipn_handle_debug.log”;
//Sandbox mode is off
$sandbox = false;
I am using WP Stamper stand-alone version with Plain Paypal.
MemberI have finally found a way to use WP PDF Stamper with Shopperpress.
When setting up the product, there is an option for a “Buy Now” custom link with redirection enabled or disabled.
This allows to create a custom payment link for each product.
I hope this helps anyone else who encounters the same problem.
Thanks for your reply; but what alternative do you give me?