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Thanks for posting an answer. But I must admit that this is very confusing as the instructions on the actual product add/edit page say
“Enter the product IDs separated by comma (eg. 3,8,18) if making a bundled product. Enter the file URLs separated by comma if the product has multiple files.”
If multiple products are not supported using the download now are they supported if I have them check out through the shopping cart? I’m assuming so since they are e-mailed after they check out/pay the download links that will still work.
Also, I tried the squeeze page and it failed to e-mail me anything. All it did after I clicked on the download now button was go to a different page that said “Not Found
Sorry,but you are looking for something that isn’t here.”
I got the APR protected page working with generated download URLS (manually created through the Admin part of the WP eStore plugin). But i was hoping that I would not have to do that.
In the end I think we’ll just have to go with a single zipped file for our freebies as e-mailing links or directing people to download a file from links that don’t expire (unless I manually go through and remove them via the admin) isn’t ideal. That said I would still like to get the squeeze form working if anyone has pointers on that. I like being able to track specific people downloading the freebies, or at least e-mail addresses. Never mind, it doesn’t appear to save the e-mails at all.
Thanks again for the pointers, learned about ARPs and squeeze forms