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oh ok excellent! thanks.
this is what variation 1 looks like
so I’ve not entered anythign to describe the drop down since its self explainatory and uses up less room.
actually that didnt work.
but I did get it to work, i edited this line
$var_output .= $variation1_name.” : “;
and removed the colon and now it does not display. Perhaps something to consider in a next release to not display the colon if there is no heading assocaiated with an option.
amin, thanks for your reply but that is not really a solution is it? Of course making the image larger would then negate the need for me to center the text, but each drop down box could be different widths so there would be no way to make it all look right doing it that way either.
I need to Center the image, then there is no problem, anyone know how I might accomplish this?