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November 2, 2012 at 10:55 am in reply to: Creating Pass Thru Affiilate Links for External Site #22739
MemberThat wouldn’t work because for the two weeks after the call but before the start of the teleseminar, both pages will be live. Some people will be opting in and getting access to the recording that couldn’t make the actual live presentation.
Any other thoughts? I really need to do this very very soon. As in two days ago – and it’s too late to go with another program.
These are my requirements:
1) Opt-in page and Sales page appear to be different domains than my main site and from each other (the goal in conversion is to allow the person to do ONLY one thing on a page – opt-in (no looking at my main site or another page)
2) Affiliates on my main domain get credit for opt-in page and track to sales page
Are you telling me that I cannot do this with your affiliate program? Would a pass thru my main domain to the opt-in page and to the sales page accomplish this? And then the satellite plugin on the sales page domain to link it to my main domain?
It’s a little late for me now to try another affiliate program. In my world this is how everybody operates (and I’m talking multi-multi-millionaires that specialize in launches.) But of course they use infusionsoft or 1shoppingcart which has it integrated.
Will I have to figure out commissions manually and upgrade to another system for next launch?
November 1, 2012 at 8:43 pm in reply to: Creating Pass Thru Affiilate Links for External Site #22737eftcolumbus
MemberOK, so this is my plan, tell if me if you think it would work.
Create optin page on
Have the optin page link and URL display as (not sure of domain yet), but have it redirected internally to so that the person does not know there is a site called
Would that sufficiently install the cookie on so that later when they go to the sales page that the computer recognizes it? Or would it have installed it on before the redirect?
The reason I don’t want to just put is that I don’t want the person to then snoop around on before they listen to the free call.
And if you have a better idea how to accomplish what I want I’d love to know (seriously). The reason I want a different theme is that the Optimized Press theme is created specifically to create a Jeff Walker style product launch sales page that was extensively tested for conversion. To create all the features from scratch in my regular website would be very very tedious. I can do it in less than an hour with Optimize Press. So saving time is the biggest reason, and not needing to pay a designer. Second, when on the free call that I offer, I want to direct them to the sales page during the call, so I want something short and easy…not my name (easy to misspell) and a forward slash something else. I want to make it as easy as possible.
And in the scenario I listed above, I would need the satellite plug in right?
November 1, 2012 at 2:44 am in reply to: Creating Pass Thru Affiilate Links for External Site #22735eftcolumbus
MemberAlso, if that scenario is way too complicated (I don’t have any developer experience nor do I have a developer, or the time to figure it out at the moment), I could create the opt-in page on the same domain as the sales page (, but my affiliate plugin is already in play on my website.
A third option would be if I would install WP Affiliate onto the website and import all the same affiliates into that installation? Just not sure if I could do that with the passwords.
As I dont’ have a lot of time, I would like the simplest option where I can use Optimize Press on a second domain where the actual BUY NOW button is.
November 1, 2012 at 1:45 am in reply to: Creating Pass Thru Affiilate Links for External Site #22734eftcolumbus
MemberI am confused as to whether I need to use pass through or satellite.
My main site is That is where my affiliate plugin is and affiliates started signing up. I have a thesis theme on this domain.
I will have an opt-in for a free call page on That is the URL I will be giving my affiliates to promote with their code embedded into the link.
A client will click on the affiliate link and be directed to They will enter name and email and the form will send the details to mailchimp. Mailchimp will autorespond with the details of the free call.
During either the 1) free call 2) recording of free call sent out via email 3) link provided in an email, I will invite listeners to go to the sales page at
I have to have a different domain for the sales page because I want to use optimize press theme, and I can’t have both thesis and optimize press on the same domain, plus I want to make the domain easy to type.
From the sales page, they will click BUY NOW button (I use your eStore plugin) and purchase the teleseminar.
How can I ensure that the affiliate who sent me the client to the opt-in page is getting the commission for the purchase of the product?
I have read tons of the posts but I am not sure which one I fall into or both.
MemberOh, okay. When I looked there the bottom said html code so I thought it was meant for something fancier than just emails, plus I’ve never heard it referred to as a creative.
Is there a way to rename it? Because everyone in the internet space I’m in (self-improvement) calls it swipe or copy or email and differentiates it from ads, so if I signed up as an affiliate for someone with this plugin, I would think the emails weren’t being provided and that only ads and banners were. And even if I did look under ads, I wouldn’t think it would be under creatives.
I want to make it as intuitive as possible for them. The people I am an affiliate for are using 1shoppingcart and infusionsoft, so that is what other affiliates are used to looking for.