Forum Replies Created
I did this and in one server it is 40M (I treid a file with 10M, not working)
I tried it on another server with 128M, there it works BUT then I got the first problem back…. “File is corrupted”
Tried different download methods an all (IE and FireFox) corrupted file.
Set the method back to Default…. IE = corrupted – Firefox = OK
Almost giving up with this plugin
MemberAmin, when I download it with the original URL it works.
For 47MB, how do I calculate how many RAM I need using the encrypted link?
MemberNo, please read…
The large file download don’t work with IE, FireFox and Safari
MemberOk I found it…
But, my first problem was the corrupted file in Windows IE… ok solved (method 6)
Then this problem with the download link not in the “Thank you” page….. ok solved
And now…. files (47MB) from the encrypted links are returning a 0KB
Tried different settings, default returning 772kb, method 2 returning 772kb
There are no .htaccess and .htpassword file in the “downloads” directory
Downloaded and unzipped the real urls for these files and they all downloaded and unzipped ok. I do not have any spaces in the file name.
Please solve my problem this time without a new problem :}
MemberShould we update for this?
I got version v4.3.3
I don’t changed any settings in the paypal account. Before this update it worked.
E-mail is OK with the link, only the link in the “thank you” page is gone.
From PayPal I get with the button to the thank you page like before.
MemberHello Ivy,
I updated the e-store version and tried different settings. The download now works correct in IE with method 6.
BUT…. now the download link doesn’t show up on the Thank You page
[ wp_eStore_transaction_result:end ] is on that page.
Before it works but not now
site access is the same if you need to take a look
MemberHello amin007,
strange.. I tried it on a Mac with Safari and then it works correct!
I tried it also on a Win comp with Firefox and it works correct!
It seems a IE problem. I hope it helps you to find an answer.
MemberHello amin007,
I changed the settings but still the same, the downloaded file is corrupted.
( WP eStore Settings v 4.2.7 )
I have the same problem.
A .zip file works well when I download it with the regular link but with the encrypted link it downloads but then it says the file is corrupted.
Thanks for your reaction