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Tagged: email settings, eMember, integration, manage members, registration, registration complete, suggestions, wishlist
- This topic has 13 replies, 7 voices, and was last updated 13 years, 5 months ago by
July 29, 2010 at 2:18 pm #1581
I haven’t found a specific place for this type of message, so I thought it would be ok to put it here…
After switching from wishlist member to eMember and using it for a month, I am pretty amazed at the quality of the software.
Now I have a few suggestions that would make eMember even stronger and more convenient :
1) When writing a new page/post, it would be great if I could select which membership levels can access this page/post. That would save a lot of time rather that having to go the “Manage Content Protection” each time. I guess Ivy already transmitted this idea to you.
2) Likewise, it would be great to be able to choose if the general public can see that content right from the page/post instead of having to go to the “manage content protection”
3) Although I am connected as the admin of my site, it is a pitty I cannot see the content of a protected page/post. Each time I edit a content and want to see the result I have to connect a “test member” which makes it a bit time consuming.
If there is already a way to access the content as the admin, I haven’t found it yet. Please let me know.
4) Since the login side bar widget knows which membership level a member can access, it would be a great plus to have another side bar widget which would provide direct links to the different posts available for the connected member. This function is particularly convenient for memberships which use auto-upgrade.
Actually, it would be a mega plus if the widget could provide at the same time the posts presently available for the member, as well as the next few posts to come for that membership level. I am sure a member is more likely to remain a member if he can see what’s coming in the next coming weeks or months.
This function would make eMember stand out even more.
If I only knew programing, I would really be happy to help you with these ideas, but I don’t. Therefore i rely on your skills and understanding.
Now, if there is any thing in my power which I can do for you, feel free to tell me.
Have a great day.
July 29, 2010 at 5:20 pm #22877noche
MemberI would like to contribute as well. Things I would like to see for the next version, additionally to the ones Aswad posted above:
– Ability to list members by level. The dashboard shows the level names as links, but they dont do anything.
– Ability to manage the content protection directly from the post/page.
– Ability to redirect member after signed in to a specific page, according to their level. Right now, all the members go to the same page.
– Ability to manually setup a specific date to the Subscription Duration, right now it gives me pre-determined dates, I would like to for example, say, level 1 will end on December 31 no matter when they signed up.
– Ability to export the emails in tables, as for Excel or CSV, for more control of members cancellations and deletions.
– Ability to encript the registration link somehow, as in my case we are not letting members pay thru Paypal, I’ve overpassed that and created a “hidden” page for them to register after they paid me. Right now, this link can be used by anyone. I would say, the ability to manually send the confirmation email with the encrypted link.
– Ability to list names by email, name, last name or any other field.
I know its a lot, but I really enjoyed the plugin, although there is always margin for improvement. Keep up with the good work, guys!
July 29, 2010 at 5:38 pm #22878noche
MemberI forgot. Found couple bugs:
– After Registering, there is a link that says ” You are registered, please login” this works fine for the first level, but when someone from the second level try to login thru this, it automatically converts them into the first level!
– If they register, and after registration they dont use the “please login” link but the widget on the sidebar, it will make them login BUT the Registration form will show up again.
– I had the plugin in one site, and then moved it to a second site. The “delete profile” link IN the profile page was working before, now its giving me an error in wp_eMember1.php.
July 30, 2010 at 4:44 am #22879amin007
ParticipantThank you for the good suggestions. I will put it in my Wishlist spreadsheet.
“Although I am connected as the admin of my site, it is a pitty I cannot see the content of a protected page/post.” – You can use the WordPress user integration so your admin user is also part of eMember members.
July 30, 2010 at 4:56 am #22880amin007
Participant@noche, You can display an email list of members by membership level from the “Members List” menu.
“Ability to redirect member after signed in to a specific page, according to their level” – This feature is already there. When you create a membership level you can specify the “After Login” page for that membership level.
“Ability to export the emails in tables, as for Excel or CSV, for more control of members cancellations and deletions.” – We have added an option to export all your members details into a CSV file.
“in my case we are not letting members pay thru Paypal, I’ve overpassed that and created a “hidden” page for them to register after they paid me.” – You should try to do the following if possible:
– Create a manual member account from the admin dashboard with barebone information after you receive the money from the member.
– Then use the “Admin Functions” menu of eMember to generate a registration completion link for the recently created member (this will allow them to choose the username, password and other details.
The registration completion URL is unique and cannot be exploited.
August 3, 2010 at 5:02 am #22881amin007
ParticipantAdded the option to set the content protection while you are editing the post or page:
August 3, 2010 at 12:50 pm #22882Aswad
MemberThank you for doing it Amin.
It will be useful for many of us. But how do we get access to the addon ?
June 16, 2011 at 9:53 am #22883Zain
ParticipantHi Amin/Ivy,
Have you got a Suggestions forum section? I saw this thread, so thought I would contribute to the suggestion of features.
I see a lot of what’s on this list has already been added to eMember. Here’s a new list of features that would be great to have:
- Personalisation
Would it be possible to have a shortcode that displays values from the users Profile? For example, I’d like to add “Hi [wp_eMember_first_name:end], How’s your day?” or something similar. It makes the membership area a little friendlier. Writing posts that address the user and make them feel like you’re talking to them is very powerful when writing content – that’s why they’re used in email auto-responders.
- Custom Templates
Similar to the WordPress child themes idea. When you upgrade the main theme’s functionality, the styling of the child theme makes it easier to upgrade without losing changes (and doing work twice).
Similarly, it would be great to have a directory that would be specified for templates that WP eMember (or Store) could look inside to use first before using the default templates.
This idea can be found in some of John Godley’s WordPress plugins – like Sniplets (and FAQ-Tastic) where the Admin can create a “View” folder. The plugin then checks for any templates in the “theme/view” folder first before using the defaults.
It would make customising and upgrading all of the Tips & Tricks plugins much easier in future (and mean less work for Admins / Webmasters!).
- Multiple Free Levels / Registration Shortcode
At the moment, the registration shortcode only displays the default Free level. If the shortcode [wp_eMember_registration_form:end] could be changed to allow another ID to be used, then that would be great. For example: [wp_eMember_registration_form:7:end] – where 7 represents the Level ID (which could be another Free Membership Level).
I’m not sure if this is already available as I’ve not been able to find the documentation if it has…
- Better WP Affiliate / WP eStore Integration
When signing up as a Member, it would be great if the system didn’t send so many emails. I get 2 – 1 for eMember sign-up, the other to say I’m also an Affiliate. Bit confusing. 1 Email with both bits of information would be great. Perhaps an addon that ties all the settings together might be useful? Just a suggestion…
- Affiliate ID on eMember Profile
It would be nice for the user to see their Affiliate ID (and default affiliate link) appear in their eMember Profile. Ideally, as a user, I don’t want to have to log into several different areas if I don’t have to. Since WP eMember, WP eStore and WP Affiliate can all use the same Profile settings, it would be nice to have things all in one place.
Anyway, that’s about it for the moment. I’m sure there would be other features that would be cool to see. I know you guys work really hard at improving all of the plugins (and it’s really appreciated!). Would be great to see some of these kind of features as I do find it makes it easier to recommend a product when it sells itself!
June 16, 2011 at 11:18 am #22884Zain
ParticipantHi again,
I forgot another 2 features that I’d like to suggest:
- “Drip Fed / Timed content” (without needing to create membership levels).
At the moment, it’s possible to upgrade users to different levels over a period of time. However, what would be nice is to have the option to only show certain bits of content to users in the same level over time.
Example scenario: Creating a weekly “tips” section for users. The tips would only be shown 7 days after sign-up, then 7 days after that (and so on). Right now, I’d have to create 52 “Levels” for 1 year’s worth of tips.
Suggestion: A change to the [emember_protected] shortcode to includes something like “display_after”. e.g. [emember_protected display_after=7], where 7 is the number of days before the content is shown (“display_after_days” and “display_after_month” would also be useful). The plugin would check the sign-up date and, based on the date, would then show the relevant content.
This way, Admins don’t have to create so many Levels. 52 Weeks can really clutter up the management screen, when it isn’t necessary.
- Time Limited WP eStore Coupons
In terms of better integration between WP eMember and WP eStore, it would be great to have a time limited coupon. Example: The user signs up for Membership and is given a 7 day coupon (upsell) that expires based on when they signed up. At the moment (unless I’m mistaken), coupons can only be set to X date – anyone who signs up close to that date or after it may miss the promotion. Again, a handy shortcode like [wp_eStore_coupon expire_after=7], where 7 is how many days it is valid before it expires, would be good.
Taking the idea a little bit further, an upsell of “between” would be useful too: [wp_eStore_coupon expire_between=7-14]. This would only show the coupon code at a period 7 days after sign-up then expires after 14 days.
If you’re wondering why this “between” coupon functionality would be useful, then think about “training” members to be responsive. The way I would use it is to offer a 50% discount between 7-14 days. If the customer procrastinates, they get another chance for a discount of 30% between 15-21 days. If they miss that one, they can get a 10% discount between 22-28 days. Each time, there’s an upsell and they miss it, it trains customers to jump at the opportunity rather than miss out in future (obviously, not for everyone… it’s an example!).
All technically do-able… I’m not sure about how you’d get the coupon code in between these “timed” shortcodes (although the WordPress do_shortcode() function does work if you want to run shortcodes within shortcodes).
I know you guys have a lot of feature requests. I hope some of these suggestions get on the wishlist for the plugin.
July 9, 2011 at 9:52 pm #22885worldweb
MemberCan I chime in with a couple suggestions, I think it would make emember perfect
On the membership Level page could we have an extra option
1) redirect to if not a member – so if member level 1 presses the link to go to a page protected for level 2 they get redirected to a sales page for that membership level.
2) a shortcode to display content for certain membership levels so for level 1 I could show an image promoting level 2 and for level 2 I could have an image saying earn cash by promoting this website.
PS Love your package of plugins, they rock! I’m off to recommend them to everyone
July 12, 2011 at 8:44 pm #22886lucianmih
MemberI have 2 suggestions for eMember:
Thank you for enlarging the Email and Username fields at the top right of the Manage Members admin page! (I was about to suggest that, then I see it in place in vers.6.7.3)
1)Perhaps also enlarge the edit fields a bit
Sample: []
2) After adding or deleting a member, can you automatically get back to Members admin page (admin.php?page=wp_eMember_manage) ?
(now it is returning to a partial member page, either with no members on it, or without the search fields to the top right)
After a new member add
After deleting a member using the checkbox beside it
After deleteing a member using the “Delete” -> Yes/No link
Thanks! I appreciate your products.
July 21, 2011 at 8:36 pm #22887lucianmih
MemberAnother suggestion for eMember:
In Settings – Email Settings, section for Registration Complete, can you please add a “To” field, so we can add another email(s) to receive the notification?
Now the notification goes just to WP admin email. (and I have to edit eMember_misc_functions.php in the EMEMBER_NEW_ACCOUNT_MAIL_HEAD section, but I have to do this with every update)
July 22, 2011 at 12:05 am #22888amin007
September 18, 2011 at 2:38 am #22889vfontjr
MemberWishlist: Calendar year expiry for membership levels.
- Personalisation
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