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Support site for Tips and Tricks HQ premium products
Tips and Tricks HQ Support Portal › Forums › WP eMember › WP eMember General Questions › eMember – specific question on drip feed
When for a level there is auto aupdate meaning promote to another level after 14 days.
at the end on the subcripton that member will pay which fee? for the new level price for which he has been autopupdated(promote for) or he will still paiy the price for the original level.
because if you set 4 autoupgrate for a member for 7,14,21,28 days, after the end of subcription( 30 days) which price should him paid?
I am assuming you are using a recurring/subscription payment. The actual subscription/recurring payment amount has no direct relationship with the “Auto Upgrade” feature. Auto upgrade will kick in at those specified date intervals for an active member.
When you configure a subscription payment, you specify what your recurring payment will be and users will stay a member as long as they don’t cancel the payment plan. PayPal doesn’t allow you to change the recurring payment amount in the middle of a subscription agreement (ongoing/existing subscriptions).
With that said, to answer your question… the member will still be paying whatever you specified to be the “Recurring payment amount”.
ok thanks, i see now
what is primary membership ?
for me is not the freeone, but the membership that come after the feemebership
because some can make even months to move to free membership to paid one.
so i think primary membership is supposed to be first after free, what do you think?
The primary membership is the main membership level of a member.
primary membership is the one that is currently active for a member. suppose currently membership “a” is assigned to member “x”. so “a” is the primary membership level for “x”. when “x” is upgraded to membership “b” then “a” becomes secondary membership level for x and “b” becomes primary membership level.