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Tips and Tricks HQ Support Portal › Forums › WP eStore Forum › Incomplete encrypted downloads
Try this…
Set your S3 permissions back to private.
“vertextutor” is the bucket name, “free-training” is the folder name and “test-file.rar” is the object name.
BTW, unless your product URL begins with as3tp or as3tps, eStore will still act as a man-in-the-middle and you will still have timeout problems. You also double the bandwidth usage, because the data is first downloaded from S3 to your server and then back to the buyer.
When a product URL begins with as3tp or as3tps, control is immediately handed off to Amazon, and your server can go about doing more important things.
Thanks a lot for your quick reply!
I changed the product URL to as3tps:// and rolled back to the initial permissions and now the link is working.
Now I generated this encrypted download link:
Is this correctly setup?
Yes, if clicking on the link works
Great! Thank you very much for your help!