Tips and Tricks HQ Support Portal › Forums › WP eStore Forum › WP eStore F.A.Q/Instructions › eStore – How to Use a Text Link or URL to Accommodate the Purchase of a Product
Tagged: add to cart, buy now, coupon codes, stripe, stripe subscription, Text Link
- This topic has 57 replies, 24 voices, and was last updated 6 years, 6 months ago by
June 13, 2013 at 8:43 am #45571
I’m trying to use one of those nice Add to Cart images that I received with your Landing Pages eBook.
It works but on my PC/Server combination it takes too long. The page goes white while it directs to home and down before adding to cart.
Just wondering if there is a quicker method.
I’m using []
The page example is [] of course.
It’s all looking pretty though! lol
P.S. I’m always open to any comments, opinions, suggestions and criticisms if any other readers want to chime in.
June 13, 2013 at 1:27 pm #45572Pamela
MemberNevermind, kind sir. Based on survey results the issue is apparently just local to my desktop.
I would still entertain any comments, opinions, etc., from any readers who are bored enough to look.
June 13, 2013 at 11:55 pm #45573admin
KeymasterThe link works fine for me too. The faster your server is the quicker your page will load.
June 15, 2013 at 7:48 pm #45574StarCircleAcademy
MemberIs it possible to include a discount coupon code with the text link and have that applied to the cart? I saw this:
But it’s not what I need. I need to be able to mail out a coupon to folks to offer them a “buy now” at X% off button and not have to diddle with a code. I suppose one solution to this would be to create a duplicate product with a new product code but I’d have to remember to clean it up to prevent massive unexpected usage.
In my ideal world, I could use MailChimp to create coupons that are unique to the given customer, but I know that’s asking quite a bit.
August 3, 2013 at 5:58 pm #45575GWslade
MemberI use this function with great success.
I was wondering if I could pass Customer Input with this function, in the same way product and affiliate ID can be passed together.
Say I have an affiliate who wants to get some customer info. They have an input form which gathers the info and then builds the URL for the text link.
[ input info]
I just made up the variable ci for customer input, just to demonstrate the concept.
Is this possible?
August 4, 2013 at 2:16 am #45576admin
KeymasterWe just added the ability to pass in a custom input field value for this feature. You can pass the value like the following:
Pease remember to download a new copy of the extra shortcodes addon now to update it.
August 6, 2013 at 4:32 am #45577GWslade
MemberThis is awesome , Thank you so much. I will try it out.
August 6, 2013 at 9:35 pm #45578GWslade
MemberThis feature is fantastic. I use it in a small Java Script that recommends a product for my users.
I have a small form that gathers information on the users needs, Then when the user submits the form it executes the script which looks at the variables and makes a recommendation.
Then on the recommendation screen there is an add to cart button which executes the text link add to cart.
Currently in the script the following variables are set to specific products recommended
var planurl = “”
This is the URL with the text link to a specific product.
BuyURL = ‘”‘ + planurl + ‘”, “_parent”‘
This is to set the string for to open in parent window, or could use _self for current page.
Then when the add to cart button is clicked, it executes the function OpenURL
function OpenURL()
This will open the Checkout and place an item in the cart.
The next step I would like to do is have the java tool recommend two products (I can’t use the bundle, because one product has a serial number being issued, I think) The other product needs variables passed. Which may alter the price.
So I could pass the customer input variables by making the planurl this
“, Carrier:Rogers,IMEI:123456789”
But how could I;
Pass the price change.
Pass two add to carts with only one redirects.
September 19, 2013 at 5:25 pm #45579StarCircleAcademy
MemberI’m surfacing this again. Had a devil of a time finding it when I searched for “emailable link” “purchase via URL”.
It’s a great feature, by the way because it allows me to have people buy things that are not visible otherwise. For example, I’ve just set up a special offer where I duplicated an existing product at a discounted price. Since I don’t show the discounted offer anywhere the “buy now” or “add to cart” links in my marketing are perfect.
October 10, 2013 at 9:09 pm #45580s2nichols
MemberHi, I am trying to add a buy now link on the front page of my website using [] but it is not working. I have installed the extra shortcodes plug in. Any advice?
October 10, 2013 at 11:05 pm #45581Ivy
MemberWhen I test the button it is working, it redirects me to PayPal to purchase the item. Can you tell me what is happening when you try to click on it? Are you getting an error?
December 7, 2013 at 6:44 pm #45582Mdudley286
MemberI am not sure I am doing this right. I have the subscription code in for my pricing table and it takes me to PayPal and it looks like my next billing date is right, but here is my problem. Its not sending the info back to emember to create a log in email so its not adding to the memberlist.
I created the product by coping a subscription I already sell and it work, however this is the first time I am trying out the table. I also noticed that the shortcode also does not send the info for this new product.
Am I missing something?
December 7, 2013 at 11:24 pm #45583admin
KeymasterHave you made sure that this estore product has eMember integration in place? The following documentation has info on what is needed in a product for eMember integration:
April 15, 2014 at 5:54 am #45584bandeloop
MemberI tried the advice in this post so I could create a buy now text link but I got this :
Fatal error: Class ‘WP_eStore_Config’ not found in /home/secretw/public_html/members/wp-content/plugins/eStore-extra-shortcodes/shortcode_include2.php on line 15
any ideas to fix this?
April 15, 2014 at 6:04 am #45585Ivy
MemberWhat version of WP eStore plugin and Extra Shortcodes addon are you using?
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